Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat



Savannah About ed

Savannah’s Paw Tracks is my blog, and I am a cat as you can see. I serve as a voice for adult shelter cats and adult homeless foster cats and other companion animals who do not have anyone to speak for them.

I try very hard to live up to my tag line …”A Former Shelter Cat Making a Difference”.

You see, I take on what I call “Paw It Forward Projects”—doing stuff that helps other cats like me find their permenent home and forever family. And if they need some green papers, then I am totally on board trying to find ways to help them get what they need. I want to help improve cats’ lives because heck, they deserve it, right?

Another thing I luvluvluv to feature are “Real Rescue Cats Are Talking” stories. Now those are a whole lot of fun. I get to interview the real rescue cat and have a chat with them about their story. I am a pretty good interviewer if I say so myself. Nothing like sharing a Happy Tail Ending with my readers.

Of course my followers follow me because they take delight in finding out what progress I have made on my recovery from unknown trauma before landing in this best ever forever home. Just an FYI for those of you who may not know me well. I am sort of shy. Not as much as before mind you, but nonetheless, I do tend to hang back and check things out for a while before engaging in something new.

It seems like I was once someone’s pet cat and for whatever reason, I lost that home. I probably lived as a stray cat for a good while, maybe years, always hoping that I might have a real home again. Then I was trapped and dropped in the night drop box at my county shelter. And that is where my life began, complete with memories, thanks to Mom Linda and Dad Peter. I have also been gracious enough to welcome, well maybe “welcome” isn’t the right word—at least I have tolerated the arrival of my step fur sister Sage, aka The Kid Sage.

Humor and laughter inspire me to meow even louder for those who don’t have a voice. That’s especially true when it comes to social media. I’ll be first in line, helping to spread your message far and wide, when any of you have contests, events, parties and celebrations. And I will stop what I am doing at the drop of a nip leaf if you need help finding a cat its very own home.

As I said, I was dropped in the night drop box at the local kill shelter, no information…no history…

My Intake Photo: Kill Shelter

My Intake Photo: Kill Shelter

They tried for about 3 months, which is really unusual…I think they were sure someone would want me as I am a gorgeous Russian Blue with lovely white accents…just sayin’…

Then it was time to euthanize me…and a guardian angel named Miss Tammy came along and said “I will foster her”…and so she did.

In about a week she found space for me at a local no kill private cat shelter named Kitty Corner.  And while they did indeed give me the basics for survival…I languished.  I was not sociable… I was terrified of humans and other cats.

The volunteers, without intending to be mean, labeled me “unsociable” and “unadoptable”.

I suffered from Ring Worm which another rescue cat introduced to the Kitty Corner Shelter…but I was terrified of receiving treatment.  So again, some volunteers assigned a label to me…”not cooperative”.

Like…who would be??!!!

Finally my current human guardians, Mom Linda and Dad Peter started volunteering about a year after I arrived…and they did the unthinkable (according to most of the Kitty Corner volunteers)…they took me to their our home and here I am…Dad P’s Princess and Mom L’s most trusted furriend.




Mom Linda

My name is Linda Rodgers and I am the typist for Savannah. I also do her photo shoots and work hard to provide her with fun photo edited pics as well. And yes, I put her interests and needs into words; she is my muse.

Savannah’s Paw Tracks, and Savannah’s recovery from previous trauma, are my retirement project. I have always enjoyed writing and now I am challenging myself to be better at creative writing. I had my own consulting practice in Organization Development for over 25 years. I worked with Fortune 500 multi-national, USA based, corporations and have traveled for work to Asia and Europe. High tech companies seemed to be those I was drawn to and having been exposed to the tech side of work, I am happy to say that being a cat blogger challenges me to continue to learn new tech skills.

Savannah is a unique cat. We adopted her at about age 5. We have never had a cat so afraid of so many things and yet, she continues to amaze us with her willingness to trust me and her resilience to overcome her fears the longer she is with us. We have had her since December, 2011. Her Gotcha Day is January 3, 2012. We are proud foster fails! Our Savvy is now approximately 8-9 years old as of 2015.

Savannah and I welcome any brands that care to invite us to work with them. However, we will only review and write blog posts for products in which our readers have interest and for which they have need.

We appreciate having you visit our ABOUT page and look forward to seeing you in our comments.

Be well, Savannah and Mom L.




40 thoughts on “About

  1. Was just thinking about you. Hope you are well.

  2. Linda, someone in Pittsburg California with an injured cat they’ve been feeding messaged us in Pittsburgh PA. What organization do you volunteer with, and can they help with this? Thanks!

  3. Oh my stars! You had a heck of a start to life but have ended that start and the kill shelter. Your mom and dad are indeed angels. Savannah every day will be a challenge for you but you have 2 peeps that are your rocks and will make sure you are always there for you.

    Shoko, Tyebe and Budd

  4. Totally FABulous!!!!!

  5. Congratulations on being selected as a 2017 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose finalist! It will be fun check out your blog and read about all your adventures. Wishing you all the best and much blogging success!

  6. So good to read your post, Savannah. I am so sorry that those disresptectful labels were put on you in shelters in the past. We have to constantly educate the humans. I am so happy for you that you are in a loving home with those that appreciate your inner and outer beauty and are patient in your recovery. Thank you for all you do for kitty cats, like us, that were once homeless. Keep up the great work! Big hugs!

  7. Hi Linda, Trying to reach you and you have no “contact” page. I’m organizing the Cat Writers Awards Banquet at BlogPaws…and see you’ve checked that you plan to come. LOVE to have you (it’s free!) but you need to register at this link (don’t want you left out): Please forgive me contacting you this way, and I hope to see you there!

    • Amy I believe I have signed up for this dinner and as well my husband Peter Wilson. Please let me know if we are not currently registered. I did this through the BP schedule site. I had hoped to get my application into CWA prior to this event, but my local, hands on cat rescue work has taken over as we are full into kitten season. Maybe next year I can try for Associate member.

  8. Savannah is so beautiful. And what a lucky kitty to be adopted by such a loving Mom and Dad! I love happy stories! 😀

  9. Savannah is just beautiful and am so glad that she found a loving home. Our two cats, Tipper and Biscotti, were born in our back garden to a feral calico named Chica. Chica crossed the Rainbow Bridge and we took in Tipper and Biscotti, having lost our 19 and 15 year old cats a few months earlier. Her other two kittens were adopted by my step-son, whose kids named them Cubby and Scout. I applaud your committment to rescues!

  10. awe thats so sweet!

  11. Granny says I have a large butt too, at least you exercise, Savvy 😉 I haven’t seen this post yet, it’s always nice to learn something more about furriends. Pawkisses 🙂

  12. laurakane1 on said:

    Hello! I love your blog and have just started following your Facebook page. I am currently writing a dissertation for university about the ways which animal charities communicate with their supporters/potential supporters. As part of my research I have put together a list of questions to ask opinion leaders in the animal world. I’d love to use you as one of my expert opinions as you seem to have some great blogging ideas. If you’d like to help me, please just send me a quick email to ‘’ and I can email the questions over for you to answer at a convenient time and send back to me. I’d love to hear from you. Keep up the good work 🙂

  13. Hi, Savannah!

    We dropped by to let you know that, as you requested, Mummy has added a “Follow by eMail” button on her bloggie, so you can follow us. We are now following you by eMail also.

    Trixie and Caspurr

  14. Hello Savannah,
    You are really pretty and smart lady cat!!
    My first comment on your blog might be failed to send. I found your blog recently, and found articles were very interesting and helpful for me. It is also an inspiration in writing my blog!
    I’d like to add your blog to my fav blog in my site, if you don’t mind it.

    Again, nice articles!

    Tatiana of Russian blue cat girl

  15. Hello glad to hear you are a shelter escapee! we are a stray kitten, a rescue (mum saved me) and two fosters that tricked mum into adopting us.Our names are Marbles,Pickles Dinnermintz and Cleo…we live with mum dad and our tail waver friends Forrest and Doc…also our woolly friends Oscar,Felix and Jock…we will enjoy getting our mum(purrsonal assistant really) to tell us your stories 🙂

  16. Oh you are so beautiful Savannah! I’m so happy you found your lovely furever home. Bisous Bailey

  17. Eeoww Savannah: NYLABLUE here,,,,me iz a shelter kitty too….was found wanderin’ n taken to da no-kill place where me spent a day. One of the workerz took me to her home but me waz not treeted well; after a year dey were goin to put me to sleep; but somehow diz Hu’man found out about me n she rescued me!!! Waz bery sick n when she found out she took me to Vet & when she waz told eberyfing she sayz “We haz to save diz kitty at any cost!!” me knew me had landed on me pawz den & we hab libed happily eber after….we iz bery lucky aren’t we Savannah??

  18. Savannah you are such a beautiful cat! and lucky to have great parents.

  19. Hi there!

    Our folks got us from Contra Costa Animal Shelter too. Our mom wants to get more information about getting more kitties in no-kill shelter. She is currently feeding a small group (clowder?) of cats/kitties. Well the neigborhood has been feeding them and they’re surviving. But she thinks that they should all be spayed and neutered because right now there’s 5 little babies and one is pregnant again. Could you pass this along to your mom Savannah?

    We are Emma and Buster both rescued from CC Animal Shelter in 2010. We blog at Our mom’s name is Maria.

    Nice to see a “neighbor” here.

    • Oh Hi Guys…I came from Contra Costa HUMANE SOCIETY…it is a PRIVATE no kill animal rescue organization on Gregory in Pleasant Hill. 925-279-2247. They will not take in cats directly, we only pull from the same shelter where you guys came from, the County Shelter in Martinez. Tell you Mom to contact my Mom at and she can maybe give more information that might help. paw pats, Savannah

  20. Contra Costa! You’re our neighbor!! Yay! Glad to see you on the blog world!

  21. Chancy and Mumsy on said:

    Oh, sweet Savannah what a beauty you are. We are very happy to meet you. We want to thank you for visiting Chancy’s blog and following. We are going to look around your nice blog. Hugs and nose kisses

  22. You have awards Savannah’s Paw Track, should you choose to accept them. Please see my most recent blog post.

  23. I’m a #WLF member too! And I’m part Russian Blue! And I have a diamond on my tummy! Whoa!

  24. Pingback: My first blogging award! « Satchmo The Cat

  25. So glad to meet you Savannah! All of my furkids came from local shelters or rescues (or just wandered in). Shelter pets rock! I’ve been a volunteer with LAPCATS (a special shelter cat outplacement rescue program in Elk Grove, CA) now for over 7 years. We’re nearing the milestone of having placed 1,000 shelter cats, and are really excited about it. It’s so wonderful when you can watch a homeless pet turn into a forever- loved family member. So glad you’re part of the team to spread the word that shelter animals are the greatest!

    • Gosh I am glad to meet you too…you are not too far from me…I live in Pleasant Hill and Dad and Mom found me when they started to volunteer for the Contra Costa Humane Society, it is a private non-profit, and they get all their dogs (they are all in foster) and their cats (they live like I did at Kitty Corner)…they get them from our county shelter…and they only take adults/special needs…pretty cool huh?

  26. I loved learning about Savannah and love your kind heart! Thank you for adopting from a shelter. It is really important. I’m glad to have found your blog! You ROCK and Savannah is super COOL. 🙂

  27. Thanks for following me back, Savannah. I enjoying reading your posts! Very interesting. Meow

  28. Hi Savannah! Thanks for visiting my blog today and liking one of my posts….I stopped by to meet you and say hello and decided to sign up to follow you too. It’s always nice to make new friends don’t you think? I’m twelve years old, a formerly feral ginger tabby, AND I’m a polydactyl with extra claws on my front paws. I was adopted from a shelter too and have been living “the life” with my Mom and Dad here in Virginia ever since! I was lucky enough to be a tiny kitten when they adopted me and I’ve never known anything but love – unlike you who had a rough time before your adoption. Isn’t it GREAT to learn that some humans are really WAY WAY WAY nice????????????????

    So – I’ll look forward to seeing your blogs in the future…!

    Kitty Hugs

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??