Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Cats, Dogs, Coyotes and Wolves: A Mysterious Connection Part Two


I am back again with Part Two in this series about the connections between cats, dogs, coyotes and wolves relative to finding a path to create greater safety for outdoor cats in particular, and small dogs as well. If you missed Part One, click HERE.

On our trip to Wolf Haven, September, 2014, one of only TWO ASA (American Sanctuary Association) accredited wolf sanctuaries in the USA , we were introduced to the connection between wolf recovery and the return to a balanced ecosystem. This included becoming aware of the direct link to gaining greater balance in coyote populations, which of course connected ME to sharing this information with my Paw Blog Community.

Someone once said to me that “cats are pretty low on the food chain”…they were referring to the dangers cats face from many predators in wildlife. And indeed this appears to me to be true. Upon further investigation and learning, the wolf was once the top predator across the USA, keeping the ecosystem in balance. We humans changed all that and continue to struggle with allowing the wolf to return to its natural role of maintaining the balance in our wildlife ecosystem.

The following video was created and produced specifically for Wolf Haven International. We were at its initial screening at the 2014 fund raiser Wine and Wolves.


(The poem is The Peace Of Wild Things by Wendell Berry)

Let me share some sites I encourage you to visit. There you can learn more about these three species of wolves in the USA. Anyone living in any of the directly affected states identified in these links can make a huge difference by supporting legislation to protect the wolves in that area from extirpation (Local extinction, or extirpation, is the condition of a species that ceases to exist in the chosen geographic area of study, though it still exists elsewhere. Local extinctions are contrasted with global extinctions).

 One: Gray Wolf Sites:




The Huckleberry Pack:


 Two: Red Wolf Sites:

Several readers commented on Part One about the lack of ever having had a wolf population in their states. Most of you who did so are located in the East and South East. I did a little research, and you may be intrigued, even astonished, to know. that once the Red Wolf populated  far up the East coast, even into Canada.

Taken from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) “As recently as 1979, the Red Wolf was believed to have a historical distribution limited to the south-eastern United States (Nowak 1979). However, Nowak (1995) later described the Red Wolf’s historic range as extending northward into central Pennsylvania and more recently has redefined the Red Wolf’s range as extending even further north into the north-eastern USA and extreme eastern Canada (Nowak 2002). Recent genetic evidence supports a similar but even greater extension of historic range into Algonquin Provincial Park in southern Ontario, Canada

This wolf species is fascinating to view in real life. They have a very prehistoric appearance; similar to the Australian Dingo which is going through its own struggles with species survival.

You can see the similar head shape and other characteristics in these photos: the Red Wolf photo is taken from the United States Fish and Wildlife Services site (USFWS) and the Dingo photo is from Paw Nation.

North Carolina:

 Three: Mexican Wolf

The important note about this astounding discovery of a female Gray Wolf on the north rim of the Grand Canyon (see link below) brings to mind another learning from our visit to Wolf Haven.

There are currently ONLY 5 viable Mexican Wolf breeding pairs left in the wild. The genetic pool is dwindling. One speculation on nature’s way to preserve this species would be if the northern Gray Wolves wander further south, and the Mexican Wolves wander north…perhaps a mating between the two can bring an important gene contribution to keeping the Mexican species from extinction in the wild.

Whether this is a positive or a negative element that could lend itself to expansion of the breeding pool of Mexican Wolves remains controversial among those who are closely monitoring the survival plans for this species.

I hope with the discovery of this Gray Wolf on the north side of Grand Canyon means Mother Nature is at work in her mysterious ways!!


Now for those of you who have never heard even a pack of coyotes howling on the hunt at night, or just communicating with each other…have a listen to the wolves at Wolf Haven as the Animal Care Manager approached with some yummy meatball treats!

They know she is their best caretaker ever…(warning to all with cats and dogs close to you as you listen, they are sure to react to the harmony of the wolves)

Thank you for coming back for Part Two. Part Three will post on Wednesday, December 3 and it will have mostly photos!

Again, to read Part One click HERE and to read Part Three click HERE

Be Well, Mom L

From Savannah

It is unbelievable! Mom L did that ‘schedule ahead’ thing for my upcoming posts…and then she and Dad P practically flew out the front door!! Not even as much as a ‘by your leave’! If the human cat sitter shows up then I know I will be alone to fend for myself. She barely remembers to give me my kibble treats with my afternoon catnip tea.

CD 01

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28 thoughts on “Cats, Dogs, Coyotes and Wolves: A Mysterious Connection Part Two

  1. Pingback: Savannah's Paw Rocks BlogPaws

  2. Pingback: Cats, Dogs, Coyotes and Wolves: A Mysterious Connection Part Three | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  3. Pingback: Cats, Dogs, Coyotes and Wolves: A mysterious connection Part One | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  4. Thanks so much Savvy! Sorry your Pawrents have decided to abandon you again!

  5. mistletoeandhitch on said:

    Our human thinks the first thing that needs to be done for wolves is to stop killing them. She was recently reading how when hunters kill part of a breeding pair the entire pack falls apart on the pups all die. She was also watching a show on pbs about beavers and their contribution to the Eco-systems. Did you know that beaver ponds lead to less evaporation due to the fact that they dig the waterways deeper and the deeper the water, the less evaporation. In the driest areas that creates a place for other animals to drink, and the grass grows, followed by trees which provide food and home for small mammals and birds, leading to larger predators. Someday we will all figure out how important every single piece of our Eco-system is and we’ll be more careful about destroying it. Until then, thank you for education humans on how important the survival or one is to the survival of us all.

  6. Great Part Two Miss L. I really enjoyed it & the pix are lovely. How could people dislike wolves?? I do not know….
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Angel Nylablue too ❤ ❤

  7. kittiesblue on said:

    Surrounded by six cats when I watched the final video with the volume full up. Not a one of them even woke up. Savvy, hope you and Sage have not been abandoned for too, too long. I am looking forward to part three of the series. Hugs, Janet

  8. Hey, I just noticed you can make the snow go in different direction with the cursor. Whee! Oh, wolves are scary looking but not as scary as coyotes. I don’t want any of them in my backyard but I do want them in the wild.

  9. pilch92 on said:

    I never thought about wolves that much until now, but now I want to help them. Please visit us for a giveaway.

  10. Wooot! We know your humans are having a BLAST!! And yes, we agree that we kittehs are at the lower rungs when there are foxes and owls and coyotes around (and they ARE in our backyard!) *shudder*

  11. The coyotes are really making a comeback here in Vegas…I hear them almost every night. I’d LOVE to hear wolves singing!

  12. This is a great post. We’re looking forward to the next installment. Wolf Haven is doing such important work.

  13. Thanks for sharing this story about the wolves and coyotes. As we said, there are those in our state that want to diminish the wolf population. Of course, we support the wolves.

    We hope your peeps have a good time wherever they flew off to…and that you and Sage survive while they are gone.

  14. It was fascinating to learn more about these amazing animals.

    I hope your bipeds haven’t deserted you for too long, Savannah!

  15. Two Frwnch Bulldogs on said:

    Wolves are so cool. Mom pet one once
    Lily & Edward

  16. I am glad that some humans are looking out for these beautiful creatures!

  17. Savvy, we just love wolves and believe they should be allowed to live wild according to their true nature. I loved the video of the howling wolves…they sound so magnificent. Thank you for putting a spotlight on their plight.

  18. They flew out the door? Your peeps FLEW out the door? Um, Savvy… they sprout some wings or somethin’? MOUSES!


    PS. Did you know it was snowin’ on your blog? It’s so neat! Love it. purrs

  19. Those were both very beautiful videos! I have signed so many petitions to try to help the wolves. It is so sad what people and countries do them. Such amazing creatures.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  20. This is such a wonderful series about wolves Savvy…..we receive the brochures from Wolf Haven and are SO drawn in by the stories. Hope your Mom and Dad aren’t gone for TOO long – I know you and Sage miss them!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  21. The wolves are beautiful. We have enjoyed reading more about them on your blog. Socks perked his ears up when Mommy played the video he was sitting in her lap when she listened to it. ~Scylla & Family

  22. I did not react to the second video at all – my human says I have been way too sheltered from wild things and must never, ever go outside unattended! She is kind of sad that there is nothing she can do to help wolves in California.

    • Oh but there is a lot your human can do to keep the first wolf pair to come into CA in over 50 years. A lone male showed up on northeastern CA maybe a year ago. He has finally been seen with a female. Your human can help by actively asking her legislative rep to make sure this pair is protected. cA has no plan yet, so we citizens can influence that. Thank you for coming to visit.

  23. I found out that the wolves are back in France too. But not all people are happy that they are back. Fortunately the ONCFS adjudges damages for the farmers to avoid hunting and to protect the wolves. I hope their plan works and we will get a restored ecological system that way .
    What you are alone at home? Let’s take the chance to have a pawty till the catsitter shows up :O)

  24. Mommy loves the “woo” sound that the wolves make.
    This has been an eye-opening read! We hope there is more on this remarkable link.


  25. At least, Savvy, the humans do not send you to a foreign space while they are gone. Bailey Boat Cat has to endure that right now, being in an italian cat camp. YOU get to stay at your home – and have Sage to assist you in the mischief you two will be up to.

  26. Totally fascinated! This is a gripping read about animals in the spotlight – animals who amaze us and astonish us! Looking forward to part 3!! The more I learn about wolves – the more I am comcerned for their safety anf admire the work of Wolf Haven!

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