Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Friday Memes for your Friday Smiles


Here are your first ever peeks looking at Miss Dorothy’s new kitties. She is a Reader Without A Blog and has been a loyal follower of my blog since the very beginning. Miss Dorothy and I are like best buds! And her heart kitty, one of my very closest Best Feline Gal Pals, Mistletoe, was also featured in my “Real Rescue Cats Are Talking” series in 2012.

Mistletoe and I have so much in common. She took a very long time to reveal her REAL SELF to her Mom Dorothy, just like I have been revealing my REAL SELF to Mom L and Dad P. Sadly Mistletoe had to dash off to The Bridge, but Miss Dorothy and her son Jacob welcomed in two new furramily additions. The lovely Miss Maeve is black and white and the handsome Mr Korey is a Russian Blue.

First up is Mr Korey. He is such a silly mancat!

Next up is cutie pie Hitch who was sweet Mistletoe’s long time companion.


Crazypants Hitch!! He thought he was asking for the fishy roe!!!

Now here is Miss Maeve showing off her bestest attitude!

Last up is an interaction between me and my sisfur Katie.  And yes, I am now willing to accept that she is a sisfur!!

That’s all I have to say for my Friday Memes for your Friday smiles. Let me know if any of these tickled your smile!!


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17 thoughts on “Friday Memes for your Friday Smiles

  1. meowmeowmans on said:

    Great memes, Savvy! We love that last one with you and KK the best.

  2. Those were funny, especially Maeve.

  3. Those were so funny!
    Welcome to Miss Maeve & Mr Korey!
    And sorry that Mistletoe had to become an angel kitty…

  4. catladymac on said:

    Those are wonderful memes Savvy. We are so glad to meet Miss Dorothy’s new kitties. We bet Mistletoe had a hand in helping them all get together.

  5. These were really cute memes today!

  6. Oh my, personal space issues we all have, though thankfully no feline ones in this palace, MOL. Now as Mrs H is not into eating chicken, I have to look that way about veggie burgers—not that I want one mind, but it is my contract 😉
    Purrs for awesome meme’s !

  7. We love all your memes! Sorry to hear that Mistletoe went OtRB but we are soooo glad that Miss Maeve and Mr Korey have homes now. Hello to Hitch too. And Savvy you nailed it. Nothing so exaspurrating than a kitty in your spot. Me-Yow

  8. peggyyeager on said:

    Such good looking furkids!

  9. Those were all so good, such a bunch of cuties!

  10. chrisscatmeow on said:

    Definitely cheered us up thank you.x😻💜🐾🐾

  11. Those are great. We love the one with you and Katie. 🙂

  12. wavez two everee one frum de land oh trout; all de memez thiz week R grate !! 🙂

    anda happee gotcha day two ewe maeve & korey….all de best two ewe in yur
    new for everz ♥♥♥

  13. Hitch has the cutest chin!

  14. I hope the chicken is for you… or what else will your mama do with it?

  15. Thanks for sharing these funny memes, sweet Savvy. It’s so impawtant, in these troubling times, to have something to smile at.

  16. WOW – Savvy, seeing you interact with Katie so closely, that is a sight to behold!

  17. mistletoeandhitch on said:

    Mistletoe would be glad to see that both I and the “new kits” are showing off our best sides in your blog, Savvy. I know how proud she is to see how comfortable and secure you have grown with your family. Thanks for making us stars in your memes.

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??