Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Voting Continues: Help Your Animal Rescue/Shelter Nominee Win!


You still have all day today and up to NOON TUESDAY, OCT 7, PDT to encourage ALL your followers and pals to vote for the rescue/shelter you nominated.


Or, perhaps you read about the rescues and shelters nominated and found one that represents your own Paw It Forward philosophy.

I now it is hard to vote when all have such need and deserve our support

I now it is hard to vote when all have such need and deserve our support

The Kid Sage completed her counting of all the posts which qualified to be in my Paw It Forward Blog Hop.  She added those comments at $.50 each, to the 92 comments on my blog at $1.00 each and the total was $167.00 USD!!

Dad P and Mom L said what the heck…we are covering all the comments rather than sticking to the set amount of $150.  So whichever rescue or shelter wins in the vote off will receive from Savannah’s Paw Tracks $167.00 USD.

I call this Paw It Forward Blog Hop a ROARING success!!  How about you??!!!

Let me ask you to give a great big round of APAWS for the participants in my Paw It Forward Blog Hop…


My Mini Pet Pig

Dezi’s World

Christy Paws

Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries and Meows

Tomcat Commentary by Tim

Dash Kitten: Pet Blogging From Middle Earth

Fozzie M

Theuerkauf’s Tails

Brian’s Home

I encourage all of you who visit this blog post today to visit each and every one of the blog posts created to join my Paw It Forward Blog Hop.  They are all stories of humans who have stepped forward to help other rescue animals, in many different ways, after learning from bringing a rescue animal into their family…that RESCUE ROCK!

Paw Pats, Savannah

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19 thoughts on “Voting Continues: Help Your Animal Rescue/Shelter Nominee Win!

  1. kittiesblue on said:

    Hey, Mom wants to know why we weren’t there? Didn’t we get the info to you in time? This is the link to our post from last Saturday Did it not qualify? It only got 27 comments, but Mom wants to know if she sends you $13.50 if you would up your donation to $180.00. She’s copying this and sending it to you via e-mail!

  2. crysta6705 on said:

    Savannah, what you are doing is truly amazing! I cant wait to see which one will win!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

  3. This is pawesome, Savvy! Your paw it forward is going to do so much good for some worthy shelter… and we can’t wait to find out which one!

  4. OMC! What a generous donation!!

  5. RRRRAAAWWWRRRRIN sucksess iz rite Savannah!!!
    Ya all did so well….we iz glad to bee a part of fingz…howeber small.
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum too xxxx

  6. Kitty Cat Chronicles on said:

    Wow, what a success!! Nice job, Savannah.

  7. Wow! So exciting!

  8. Oh wow Savannah dat’s pawsum. Weez wuz glad to help. Wescues awe pawsum, course me wuld fur suwe fink so since mommy saved me and sis Lexi. Weez wish all da homeless and shelter animals kuld find purrfect home like yous and us hav. Dat be ow dweam. Weez wead ’bout all da wescues and they all sounded gweat. We can’t wait to find out hoo da lucky winners awe. 🙂 Hope yous havin’ a gweat day.

    Luv ya’


  9. That will be a great donation to whichever shelter wins.

  10. Thanks Savannah, it was our honor to join your hop! We have voted and think it’s just wonderful what you are doing!

  11. This was such a great idea you had, Savannah. We visited some new blogs and read some wonderful stories.

  12. You are rockin’ it sweet Savannah!

  13. I like your fuzzy math. I shared but my shelter is far behind. Like I said, all the shelters are worthy. Concats to whoever wins and thanks to your peeps for donating.

  14. that’s great and I’m happy with the shelter what will win. how about some ice cream for your glowing paws Sage?

  15. Congratulations to you and your family Savvy for the success of your big event. What a wonderful way to celebrate your new focus and new look! WOO HOO!

    Hugs, Sammy

  16. Glad that your humans not are very good on math either 🙂


  17. How wonderful Savvy 🙂 and we LOVE the new look confident and ready to share and help..Bravo to Mum L and Dad P on taking it to an even bigger donation..and Sage…bless your little countie paws…must be pooped! we re popping around to some blogs we missed right now! Loves Miss Bev xxx

  18. Wow – beaten to the first comment again. By Summer this time HA! You guys are too fast for me!!

    Harvey, Miranda and Silver
    PS Silver says Miss Savvy is looking the Real Bizzo all serious and business like * high paw *

  19. How exciting, Savannah! This is getting a BIG paws up from me!!!

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??