Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Product for Ashton’s Chik-hen Emporium


(This blog post is dedicated to all my feline and canine pals who totally luvluvluv Chik-hen!)

HRH Savannah allowed me to have this blog post to inform all of Blogville that Ashton, from Sometimes Cats Herd You, will definitely have some incoming fresh product for her Chik-hen Emporium!!

ashton chik emp

As you all know from Ashton’s blog posts,here, here , there has been some concern about the availability of fresh product for her business endeavor. I am here to make sure Ashton and all of you know that I have her back on fresh product and I can now supply all she needs.  This is due to big THANKS to my buddy, Lt. Smokey of The Kitty Platoon.

Smokey discovered a brand new source for fresh product. He knows that I, The Kid Sage, have a PASSION for all things ‘CHIK-HEN’.  When his female human, my former Vet Dr Josie, presented him with a package…he immediately thought of ME…and I, of course, thought of Ashton’s Chik-Hen Emporium!!

Smokey sent the package off to me right away…

Smokey sends the package via local delivery

I was overjoyed to receive Smokey’s package.

Oh My Cat!!! Was I ever excited to think I could offer my gal pal Ashton such a gift!!

sage tells ashton

I got the package all wrapped up and it is now on its way to Ashton!!

sage sends the package edited

Ashton’s Chik-hen Emporium will be a great success!!!


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26 thoughts on “Product for Ashton’s Chik-hen Emporium

  1. Pingback: Returned to Sender: Address Unknown? | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. meowmeowmans on said:

    Awesome job, Sage! Ashton is going to be SO appreciative!

  3. Oh they are so tinee an cute Sage…mee iss so glad mee not have to ‘see’ who mee iss eatin 😉
    Ashton iss gorgeeuss an shee lookss like mee furend Coral here singull eye an stripes!
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  4. Whoa! Hope you put air holes in there, Sage. Ashton is gonna be beside her with glee.

  5. tonkstail on said:

    Mowzers, Sage! That’s like gonna make Ashton’s WEEK!!!!

  6. Do those birdies have a twitter account by any chance? 😉

  7. Smokey is very good. I would have grabbed and run.

  8. The Swiss Cats on said:

    Ashton will be so happy to get your package ! Purrs

  9. We know that’s one package Ashton can’t wait to get. Good going, Sage!

  10. pilch92 on said:

    Wow- you are in business now .

  11. catfromhell on said:

    Woo! Hoo! Most excellent! And mes thinks that business is going places!!!

  12. we R knot even gonna reed thiz post

    see ewe gals two morrow



  13. Wow that is something alright.

    Emma and Buster

  14. that was a surprise… I immediately jumped on the screen to get that chicken… I bet Ashton agrees with all pups and kitties: they are delicious… I mean cute :o)

  15. Oh my Sage….what floofy little darlin’s…and cute as a button! I think if my girls had that delivery ..well it may end in tears….mine hahaaahah loves Miss Bev xx

  16. OMC, this is one time Ashton may not run away when the man in blue shorts knocks on the door. So exciting to finally receive stock for the chicken emporium! Thank you, Sage!

  17. WOW……..what a great package to get……talk about FRESH!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Did somecat say chikken?

  19. Wow! I see that Smokey sniffed them for freshness too.

  20. How exciting. Ashton gets to play with his food before eating it.

  21. Anykitteh would be delighted to get that package!

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