Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Cats That Pretend To Be Turtles


I try hard to mind my own business. I don’t like to interfere with TKS’s time so I try to keep my play time to myself. But somehow she always seems to know when Mom L and I are having a good old time and then before we know it…there TKS is.

You all know that my new favorite place to play is inside my cat tower tunnel.

Got it!!

Got it!!

This gives me a really good workout especially for my paw to eye coordination and even balance. Have YOU ever tried to grab something as elusive as a peacock feather while you are hanging out of a tunnel about 20 inches off the ground???

Whoa! Better keep most of my body inside the tunnel

Whoa! Better keep most of my body inside the tunnel

Next thing I know I hear TKS slip sliding into the living room during MY play time! The nerve!

Yee Haw!!! Got'cha little nip toy! Oh, Hi Savvy, didn't see you over there

Yee Haw!!! Got’cha little nip toy! Oh, Hi Savvy, didn’t see you over there

Next, TKS proceeds to try to steal Mom L’s attention by pretending she is….you guessed it…a turtle. (be sure to hover over photos to view complete captions)

As if that was not enough, pretending to ‘be’ a turtle. TKS then turns on her own turtle shell and tried to bunny kick it to death. Sheeeeeeesh!!!!!!!!!

I've got you my pretty!!!!!!! #$)*$)(*#)*!!

I’ve got you my pretty!!!!!!! #$)*$)(*#)*!!

Someone save me from this kid…sigh.

Paw Pats, Savannah

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29 thoughts on “Cats That Pretend To Be Turtles

  1. Clowie on said:

    She does make a strange turtle.

  2. We wonder if the sight of you playing just gets her all excited and she is joining in her own way 🙂

  3. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man on said:

    I understand what you are talking about sweet Savannah. Pooh is all time trying to take center stage when Mumsy is playing with me. Mumsy says it is me interfering when she is playing with Pooh, but that is not right what I said is truth…well, maybe not. 🙂 Hugs and nose kisses Chancy

  4. Savvy, I think I’m a lucky cat living alone with my Grandpawrents 🙂 ❤ Pawkisses for a lovely Tuesday 🙂 ❤

  5. Oh Savvy, I can SOOOOO relate. I swear, we need to find an island somewhere, far away, and send TKS & Waffles there. They can play ‘turtle’ to their heart’s content!

  6. Deer sAvannah it seemss that Sage hass allott of energee!! Mee doess allott of simmylur fingss…maybee it iss sumfing to do wif beein Burmese type catss….wee tend to bee hypurr an wee hass emaginayshunss an purrtend ALLOTT!
    Try to not let Sage get under yur shell…err mee meenss skin Savannah 😉
    **nose bumpss** an luv Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum ❤ ❤ ❤
    Pee S: Luv to Lady Linda too ❤

  7. MOL at attacking her own turtle shell. TKS seems kind of conflicted about the whole turtle thing…

  8. I think she did it. She stole Mom L’s attention away from you. There are more pics of her playing that you even though your’s are much lovier.

  9. MOL! TKS is funny playing turtle.

  10. MOL ! TKS is just… a kid ! Don’t you want to join her ? Purrs

  11. Mebbe TKS needs a playmate, whaddja say Savvy, wanna join her?

    Emma and Buster

  12. Hehehe she is a kid,you know what they say if you can’t beat them join them,xx Speedy

  13. MOL! I’ve been known to do the very same thing! ~Ernie

  14. Two Frwnch Bulldogs on said:

    Wish we could fit in a cat tunnel. They are so cool
    Lily & Edward

  15. hahahahah!!!!!! Too cute!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Oh I understand that problem…. you try to work on an artistical trick and suddenly the clown pops up and ruined your show…. kids, huh?

  17. Seems to me I recall YOU being a turtle under that nip mat a time or two Savvy-do! With you UP and TKS “DOWN” I think you’re both keeping the territory covered with fun.

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Double play time is twice as much fun! Good work balancing in the tunnel, S. Once I went to look out the window and fell behind the chair. Mom said I was drunk.

    Love and licks,

  19. Oh hey! I think Sage is just trying to tempt you to join her…after all ninja turtles are all the rage ..again..maybe she wants to let you see how much fun she can be..but I am sure you will still work her out in your own time! loves Miss Bev..pee ess mum is really taking some great shots of you Savvy!

  20. MOL! I’m sorry, Savannah, I can’t help it – Sage is such a silly girl.

  21. MOL how silly! Everyone knows cats are not turtles 😉 but it is fun to pretend sometimes.

  22. I wonder if TKS Feels a bit left out? Worried she might not be cared for or loved? Worth a thought. She may even be a bit jealous of your fun time with Mum? If you are hapoy and having fun – can you blame her for wanting some of the love?

  23. At least she didn’t go after your feather.

  24. would you rather have her turn on you, Savvy? She is just releasing her energy – so she can be calmer after that and is not tempted by you. You know, flicking tail and so …

  25. kittiesblue on said:

    Kids will be kids. At least she didn’t try to get your peacock feather. You look a bit like a turtle, yourself, in that first photo, Savvy. So happy Mom L feels up to playing. Hugs to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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