Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Sticking Together in Time of Stress


Well, The Kid Sage (TKS) and I are finding that we sort of like having each other a bit closer as our move begins. Boxes everywhere. All sorts of commotion. TKS is the one who tends to always seek me out. She tries to get as close as she can without me giving her the *hsssssssss* command.

Did she notice me???

Did she notice me???

And yeah, I think sometimes I kind’a like having her nearby. These are tough times so we all have to hang together.


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28 thoughts on “Sticking Together in Time of Stress

  1. ***HI-5’SSS*** Savannah yur doin pawsum letting Sage get closer!!! Shee reelly likes you ALOT!
    An it iss good to have a fursib when big changes are comin! 😉
    **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxx

  2. debbarnes on said:

    Great news that things are getting better – 18″ sure is progress! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey Gang

  3. Sometimes when we are scared or stressed it is nice to have another cat to watch your back. I always liked having Arty Mouse go to the vet with me, because (and this is weird) she actually liked going to the vet place and was very calm and reassuring. ~Scylla

  4. kittiesblue on said:

    Our Thursday post is about moving with pets and has a great infographic. Mom mentioned y’all in the post. We know that y’all most likely know everything that’s in the post. Enjoy your whiffies together, ladies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. I wonder if you’ll both do better in the new house cos you’ll both come in at the sae time. Then again, it didn’t work for Nicky and Autumn.

  6. Maybe this move will be beneficial in more ways than one!

  7. The Swiss Cats on said:

    Good news ! We wish you all the best for your move ! Purrs

  8. Wow, awesomeness! So glad the hiss zone is shrinking! Just think, by the time cold winter gets here, you might be snuggling in the same bed!

  9. meowmeowmans on said:

    Hi Savvy! In tough times, sometimes we learn what’s really important, and who our real friends are. Moving is very stressful, so we are glad you and TKS are hanging around each other a bit more.

  10. That is a darn good plan!

  11. catfromhell on said:

    Savvy, yous knows how mes and Jo Jo has not gotted along? That Jo Jo was chasing and whapping mes? Well, wes actually been touching noses in passing! Wes not sleeping on the same bed our chair or anything like that, but no hissys and whapping! Mommy is happy!

  12. Clowie on said:

    Moving can be very stressful, but it’s nice if you two can find comfort in each other.

  13. Moving is very stressful my friends, we are all sending you all our very warmest and calming huskerboo an elkie vibes, its fabulous you have eachother:)

    NukNuk & Family

  14. We did the big move a few months ago so we totally know how you feel. It was very scary.

  15. Well look at that!!! Keep close kitties, family is super impaw-tant!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. If you two get closer than at least some good will have come out of this, every cloud and it’s silver lining remember! Hugs to mum and Dad

  17. The OP Pack on said:

    It is always good to have a friend:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning

  18. We went through the big move recently so I completely understand.

  19. Moving is scary. You’re both wise to stick together. Less chance of one of you getting packed away in a box.

    Love and licks,

  20. That’s right Savvy… two need each other now more than ever. It’s a big deal (as you already know) to go through a move……at least you two girls have each other for some consistent comfort!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  21. When there’s a lot of change, you still have each other. It’s a good thing to remember while your household is stressed out and in chaos.

  22. Sweet friends, we know all too well how stressful moving house can be but we can tell you, from our own experience, that is can indeed help bring fur-sibs closer together. Good luck with the move.

  23. mariodacat on said:

    Sometimes it is just good to have a pal ner for wordless comfort!

  24. It’s time to put away differences for now, right?

  25. Togetherness in times of stress is good!

  26. to say it with mr. armstrong: 18 inches are a small distance for humans but a great success for a russian blue lady :o)

  27. That’s great news that this is bringing you two closer together,xx Speedy

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