Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Do You Pole Dance?


I shared a few photos in a past blog post of my returning interest in my first cat tree, which I have not played on for three years. fancy catletic paw work on my favorite cat tree. But I am going a bit farther in my progress now than just weeks ago.

My moves would make a human pole dancer green with envy, seriously!!  In fact I’m expecting a call any day now from the French Cirque du Soleil folks. I know they will be wanting me to teach their performers some of my special moves.

Check out my set up for my ‘Wrap Around the Pole” move. First, I get leverage using my hind paws and claws. Yep, those claws give us cats a good advantage over the humans. Then I reach up to grab the pole with my right paw and claws.

Whoopsy do! And then I FLIP and WRAP three paws and claws on the pole and I keep one hind paw and claw set hooked onto the platform to help give me lift!

My progress is all about my continuing growth in my relationship with Mom L. I come to her with a certain pitch to my “meows” that immediately let her know I am looking for a play session with her. My cat tower is right near her work area so she just turns around, gets a feather toy and “BOOM”!! We are playing!!

Do you invite your humans to play with you? How do you do that?


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37 thoughts on “Do You Pole Dance?

  1. TW knows that every waking moment, I want to play.

  2. Ummm.. How do you feel ’bout heights? Just wonderin’… purrs.

  3. The Cirque isn’t French. It’s French-CANADIAN! I’ll see if I, Seville the Cat, a Canadian bloggin’ kitty, I have enough clout to get you in. PURRS.

  4. BionicBasil on said:

    Savvy your pole dancing skillz are epic, mew and Amber should open a club! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  5. Oh, sweet Savvy you have made our day. It was so much fun to see the photos of you giving that pole a real workout. Hugs and nose kisses

  6. Look at you go, Savannah! Thimble is the pole dancer around here. When the kitties around here want to play, they also “tell” their mom so. Happy dancing, Savannah!

  7. nannanb69 on said:

    You have great moves on your pole! Max likes to p ole dance, too!

  8. 15andmeowing on said:

    You got the moves! Phoebe is a pole dancer too, she has a cup for tips on her pole.

  9. Look at you go, Savvy! You sure are loving that tree. Just goes to show that humans should never give up on our favorite spots. We often decide they are favorites again.

  10. That is some pretty fancy pole dancing, Savannah – we hope you get paid well for your entertainment:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty

  11. Wow this is so cool to see, talk about action shots. You wear Mum out simply looking at your manoeuvres!


  12. Wow this is so cool to see, talk about action shots. Yu wear Mum out simply looking at your manoeuvres!


  13. waves two ewe S & S…. stooooopid az thiz soundz….both me toona N cuzin daiz kinda like playin on R own….we haz all wayz been that way…. bye de way; nice tat too 😉 wink…wink ~~~ ♥♥

    • MOL!! Mew are the only ones to “notice” my “butt” tats!! And I also really enjoy playing around by myself , upstairs, when Mom and Dad are havin’ their dinner…and of course in the wee hours of the humans morning *wink, wink*

  14. Keep on dancin Savannah!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Dharth Henry~~

  15. Two French Bulldogs on said:

    So are you a pole dancer!
    Snorts and a Woof,
    Lily & Edward

  16. Those are some darn fancy moves!

  17. Fantastic footwork and moves! If we were you, we’d be sitting close to that phone!

  18. Work that pole, Savannah! When I was a little cat, there was a divider in our house that had a pole on it. It was wood. I climbed that thing and slide down numerous times. The mom said I was quite the pole dancer, too. ~Wally

  19. katie isabella on said:

    Girl, you know how to work it!!!!

  20. I bring a sparkle ball to my human to let her know I want to play fetch! Of course, this also means I have STOLEN it from where she hides them (she only lets me play with them under supervision because I tend to eat the sparkles).

  21. no twolegged poledancer can do such fabulous moves…. bravo!!! and the huge progress you made is like a miracle… and with following your blog I know now that miracles sure can happen ;o)

    • I know you know how far I have come Phenny. Your Angel brofur Easy gave me a ton of courage in the years we knew each other. He was one of my bestest ever woofie pals and I know you will be my very good pal too

  22. Pawsome moves!

    I’ll bring momma nip toys when I wanna play.

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??