Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Friday Memes for Friday Smiles


I am late, very late with my Friday Memes. I sure hope your Friday Smiles are ready to get movin’!!

Have you all figured this out? All ya gotta do is cry like crazy in the  morning, and the humans rush around to get my breakfast, the other two, TKS and Katie, trot downstairs after them—and VOILA!! I have the bed all to myself!!

The truth no one tells us when we adopt humans. Sigh…

MOL!!! Can you do that?? I sure can’t! Senorita Mirabel is such a silly gal! She does this all day long!!! Sometimes with both legs!!! And she is still looking for her own permanent home. Please share her Pet Finder link here!


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8 thoughts on “Friday Memes for Friday Smiles

  1. Well for Kitties you’re all very pretty. as for the bed I like to share it with my parents cause I like to snuggle on their chest and give kisses to share the love xoxo Little Miss Titch

  2. chrisscatmeow on said:

    Great memes I do love the last one and hope Senorita Mirabel finds her forever home.x😻💜🐾

  3. Aww, these are cute memes this week!

  4. Edith Chase on said:

    Fmiss Savvy, you sure are smart! TKS, humans should come with a warning label on them. They need constant attention!

  5. Carole Schulman on said:

    Mirabel…I’d have you in a flat second!

  6. Those are great memes, Savannah.
    And We love that cute picture of Mirabel!

  7. Mary McNeil on said:

    Good memes – nice to see Mirabel again !

  8. Those were fun and sweet Mirabel is such a pretty one!

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