Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Cat Colony Nipped!


I know I have mentioned our new foster kitten, Pipsqueak aka Pip (to family and furriends) and how he came to be with us.  He was one of the first of seven kittens that we trapped for TNR. As you know from my post, he is no way “feral” and now ready for adoption.

That said, Mom L and Dad P and I have been relentless in helping residents in our city with making sure this “little” colony of eleven cats/kittens doesn’t get any bigger!!

Check out this darling little family, relaxing in the backyard of the resident who had been so diligent and accommodating in helping us TNR as many as we can.

We had our work cut out for us. We originally found four residents who were feeding this cute little GROWING family. All have been on board in helping us trap over the last seven weeks.

And we have success!! So far no pregnant females. We have TNR’d three adult males, and three kitten males and one female kitten. We have socialized one male kitten, our sweet new foster kitten Pipsqueak, now ready for his forever home and adoption!

Here are the kitties we have helped to control this growing cat colony. Our greatest challenge is trapping and spaying the mom cat, we have named Marmee. She is very trap savvy.

First up is Bruiser! No on told us about this big “bad boy” until he became the one and only we trapped in our first night trapping. Totally awesome, handsome mancat; not longer able to produce kittens!!

Bruiser’s release

Next up: Rocky kitten who was very vocal in his protest at being trapped!!

Rocky release

Next up, dear sweet Uncle George, Marmee’s kitten from last year.

George’s release

Then we trapped Kong!! Marmee’s son from last year! What a big guy!!

Kong’s release

We trapped Ringo same night we caught Kong. You can see he has the same trap injury to his sweet nose. Sadly that happens sometimes and our darling foster Pipsqueak is only just able to start regrowing his furrs from a similar injury.

Ringo release

Our last kitten trapped was a girl!! Darling Ellie, named by the family’s son where they all hang out. She was simply too old at this point to socialize. Sadly we had to release her just today.

Ellie’s release

We hope to trap two more this week. Marmee, the mom cat, may be ongoing challenge so wish us good fortune!!

Let us know in comments how you manage your challenges in trapping a very trap savvy kitty!!


Pee Ess…please share our foster Pipsqueak to help us help him find his forever home. I would appreciate it it you will grab the badge below and SHARE SHARE SHARE all over the world to help bring Pip the pawsitive energy he will need to find his forever home. We have treated his right eye for the infection but it is taking a while to fully recover. He has no loss of sight in that eye, but we know it shows as less bright than his left eye. We fear no one will want this sweetie as he is “less than” purrfect. Please, please help us help him find his forever home. More about Pip later.



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22 thoughts on “Cat Colony Nipped!

  1. Pingback: An update on kittens from Oak Hills Project | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. Pingback: At the movies | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  3. Such a wonderful thing you are doing. Did you catch the mom cat or the others yet? I like that you added the release video also.

    • We still have not trapped mom cat; she is very trap savvy. And she has a very cloudy eye that appears to be getting worse so we are working hard to get her. We also have two more black kittens left to trap. During COVID it is very difficult to get spay/neuter appointments at our county animal services and the one low cost clinic closest to us. Thank you for your visit and comment

  4. Carole Schulman on said:

    Thank you for this and the pictures! Thank you sincerely.

  5. Pipsqueak is so cute! Thank you for all you do for the feral kitties.

  6. This is so uplifting thanks so much for sharing all these great vids of successful TNR! That is a BIG colony and Growing so this is great work. We will share this info!

  7. Claudia on said:

    Wow, what a successful catch!! You are saving the world by taking amazing care of its ki-ki’s!! 🙂 🙂 Lots of love to you!!

  8. meowmeowmans on said:

    That’s so wonderful! Thank you for helping those community cats. We loved seeing them getting released.

  9. You do such good work! I loved seeing all these kitties get released.

  10. I hope Pip gets a forever home soon. XO

  11. That is a great thing that you do.

  12. spittythekitty on said:

    Awww, they were happy to be home, weren’t they? Though Kong seemed to want to say bye & thanks first when he hesitated a bit 😉 God bless you for doing this hard work!!

  13. Good job and thanks to everyone for helping them all.

  14. rocky; noe doubt dood, ya winned de release race !!! ewe waz outta ther like a shot !!!! best fishez two ewe all N two ewe pipsqueak in findin that for everz home 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥

  15. Paws up to your peeps, Savannah, for making sure these kitties don’t multiply.

  16. I have cat food for the colony. And eggs tomatoes for you. Are u in town tomorrow? Or this am? Kids come at 2 for johns bday. Meow 😸


  17. George looks a lot like Boswell, a kitty of Peepers’ from way back when. Peepers says Boswell was the most wonderful cat. Bet George is, too. PURRS

  18. Well we think Pipsqueak is purrfect. He reminds us of our Yinny girl. Well we have no clue on how to trap MarMee sounds as if she is super smart. But we will share share share Pip

  19. I will share Pip as much as I can. A post about him alone would allow you to shine the cuteness spotlight on the boy so I look forward to that post!

    Totally brilliant work, How great you got the feeders on board.

  20. thanks to you all!!!!! we love bruiser he looks like a king…

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