Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Friday Frolics…


Well, I have been so bummed that Mom has been gone now for about a million hours and a bazillion days…I just could not get up to much frolickin’…na’mean???

So, here is the video of Mom’s last visit with The Rat Pack kittens…they sure have grown…

Paw Pats, Savannah

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30 thoughts on “Friday Frolics…

  1. Sherri-Ellen: “Nylablue can we pleeze get a kitten??????????”
    S-E *stampz her feet n whinez: “PPPPPLLLLEEEEEZE???”
    Nylablue *walkz away n hidez in da closet* “Me haz had more den enuff kittz n me iz retired!!!”””
    S-E lookz fer more kitt videoz…..
    Nylablue takez a snooze……
    Lub Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen xo

    • Yup Nylablue! had the same conversation here, even tho’ I never had my own I still don’t want someone else’s…ick!

      • Phankz Savannah…me showed diz to me Mum n she said she understandz…
        Da only kitteh me never hissed at dat Mum rescued was baby MoJo da golden tabby wif dark stripez….me did not have da heart to smack a baby…but me waz glad when Aunti Renee took her to da Shelter!!!
        Me purrfurrz da quiet n ta boss me Mum around 😉
        Hope you are doin well my furned.
        Lub Nylablue.
        Pee ess: We fell behind again; sowwy!! 😦

        • Yow Solo you iz cute…we iz tryin to have fun; not eazy here wif fire alarmz janglin n cold wind n a few other fingz…we just gotta Meow it off!!! 😉

    • Having F-U-U-U-U-N! 🙂

  2. O they are very very cute, especially when they decided to play with each other rather than the toy!!

  3. orientallily001 on said:

    Oh Savvy…. I just watched the closin’ ceremonies at BlogPaws and your mom was AMAZING! She was wonderful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Thank you for agreeing to loan her to me so that she could accept my award! THANK YOU SAVVY’S MOM!!! purrs & purrs & purrs


    • Did you get to hear give your speech as best she could? Lots of peeps congrats her and she got lots of laughs

      Sent from my iPhone

      • orientallily001 on said:

        I got to see it last night. BlogPaws had the ceremony up on their TV channel thingy. Your mom did GREAT! I was so happy that she was there representin’ me. Again, thank you Savvy. I owe you big time! purrs

  4. spittythekitty on said:

    Love them kittens! The Human could watch them for hours!

    I hope your Mommy gets home soon, sweet Savannah! Thanks for your nice messages last week–I am waaaaaaaay better now XOXOXOXO

  5. Awwww – too precious for words. There’s nothing quite as time wasting as watching kittens play. I could do so forever and not feel I’d missed a thing in the outside world. Hope all goes well with raising funds for Leo. Sending prayers and positive thoughts and thank you for going to the trouble to save him.

  6. Pingback: Even Sabre is powerless to resist the charms of Pixels | Long Life Cats and Dogs

  7. Fun loving kitties!xx Speedy

  8. They look so much fun on video… I hope our humans aren’t going to bring some more from BlogPaws though… I am concerned about that…

  9. They look like so much fun!

  10. Watching kittens is so much fun!

  11. Always fun to watch kittens. We are coming over later tonight with a quart of Nip-Tinis so be ready for Party Time

  12. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    hole lee mackerull de wee kittehz HAZ grown bunches !!! keep eatin trout guys N soon ewe will be aza tiger 🙂 hope everee one haza grate week oh end; hope yur mom haza safe trip home savvy !!

  13. Smokey on said:

    Yeah that’s me in the movie acting grumpy I use to be the kitten around here. They are learning how te good soldiers for the kitty platoon. On their own base I hope
    Private smokey

  14. Ah,bless him…Ginger marches to the tune of a different drummer.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob

  15. Savvy…do you want us to teleport over to help you trash the house while your mom is away…frolicking with other humans who have also abandoned their beloved kitties? Oh what fun we could have!

  16. How cute ! must laugh about Sammy as he came fro the left side like a black lightning – great!

    • Savvy looks over shoulder…whispers behind paws to Easy….ummmm…actually, Miss Josie was doing the Ca,era and she wanted Sammy in the video, so she used one hand to pick him up and she was trying to gently move him into the camera sight….but instead accidentally sort of…..ahhhhh….well….she kind PF “tossed” him like a bowling ball! A mom and Miss Josie were both shocked and have been worried about animal cruelty charges. Thank Ceiling Cat for video editing, otherwise you would have seen him being airlifted!! LMFTO

  17. They are just adorable!

  18. Flynn on said:

    They are adorable!

  19. Katie Isabella on said:

    OH how enchanting. We could watch that over and over.

  20. Savvy, your face says it all. I’m happy Ginger finally got the hang of it. They sure are cute – especially when they’re sleeping like a big kitty sandwich!

    Love and licks and I love sandwiches,

  21. Adorable little guys (gals?)!


  22. They’re really cute!

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??