Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

B4TC…I Will Be The Change…


I am joining what I hope will be thousands of bloggers who will post today about how each of us can Be The Change For Animals.


My Mom and I want to introduce a rescue organization we are starting to volunteer with–Community Concern For Cats (CC4C).

Because of all the recent ‘demonic’ media representation about how feral cats, and actually cats in general, should be considered a threat to both the world bird population and even human health, we believe we MUST become involved more directly in making sure feral cats have a voice and a chance to live their lives.  The cats do not ask to be ‘feral’…but humans have created their existence and in many ways, their plight…

feral cats blog 4 tc

If you have missed the brouhaha created by a misinformed and misguided Audubon Editor At Large, click HERE to read about it as featured on a great blog Vox Felina.

Then there have been dozens of newspaper articles taking off on the even more misinformed media hype about “cats as cold blooded killers”…to quote Mr Dan Harris as he presented this “research” for ABC Evening News with Diane Sawyer.  To read about this “research” released by the Smithsonian, click HERE.

Finally, there is the New Zealand businessman who has been promoting killing not only feral cats, but all cats–click HERE to read about this perspective.

So, I want to encourage everyone to help wherever and however they can to help their communities treat the feral cat populations with “humane” intentions…meaning with “kindness, mercy and compassion”…which are assumed traits of “humanity”.

Now, back to Community Concern For Cats (CC4C) in Contra Costa County, California. They are committed to not only feral cat population management and care, but also to helping as many strays as possible find their next truly furrever home.   They can be found on Face Book by clicking HERE.

Like so many small private non-profit rescues around the world, CC4C is made up of dedicated volunteers, there is no paid staff…here is what they say about their history..

“Community Concern for Cats (CC4C) is a non-profit 501c3 rescue organization celebrating over 25 years of service to Contra Costa County. We are an all-volunteer organization comprised of members, fosters, and volunteers who work hard to make a positive difference in the lives of the cats we meet, and in helping our communities. We are supported by individual donations, grant writing, and fundraising.

We do not have a shelter or facility of our own, so nearly 100 percent of our adoption fees and donations go towards spay and neuter and the medical treatment of our rescued kitties. Through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), rescue and rehabilitation, we are able to reduce the cat overpopulation and provide needed loving homes for cats that otherwise would be homeless.

The President, Miss Gemma, wrote about how she became involved in CC4C and you can read her story HERE.  Miss Gemma and all the volunteers at CC4C ARE THE CHANGE FOR CATS.  I am proud my Mom gets to help them sometimes…

…ahhh…well…I don’t like how she smells when she has been helping them…cuz she helps a friend of hers who fosters bottle kittens…this is my Mom feeding feral rescued bottle kittens..

…yeah, I know…they are “SO CUTE”…but seriously…did you see those claws???

I hope I can Be The Change For Animals every day of my life.

Paw Pats, Savannah and Mom Linda

peeEss:  PURRlease come by on Tuesday April 16 to read another Life Changing Interview By Savannah…Real Rescue Cats Are Talking…you are NOT gonna want to miss this one!

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48 thoughts on “B4TC…I Will Be The Change…

  1. Pingback: Selfie Retrospective | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. Awe, those babies are so cute. I hope they find good humans to adopt them.

  3. That sounds like a great organization, a good thing to be involved with.

  4. EEoww Savannah…Mum getz hoppin MAD when she readz dese *dumb* articlez bout da feralz n how mean Hu’manz are to dem. You iz right; it iz Hu’manz who casued da prublem in da first place n den dey take no ‘sponsibillity fer what dey did!!!
    Dat iz why Mum fed da feralz who came here diz Winter…dey have moved on know but Mum sayz any kitteh in need she will help!! Dere iz a feral help group here she wantz to get in touch wif (when she iz better) n see if she can help in sum way!!!
    As fer dem wee kitz…dey are so cute…makez me wanna hab more kitz meself…*shakez it off NB*….guud grief, me iz feelin all broodie!!!!
    Lub frum us to youz!! Nylablue

  5. catfromhell on said:

    Mes LOVES your post today and mes thinks that your pawrents is doing pawsome work!
    Yous guys ROCKS!

  6. spittythekitty on said:

    What a great organization. And oh my, just LOOK at those babies!! The Human is going all melty and squeeing weakly.
    “Here–let me hold your head on” — MOL!!!

    • Miss Mary; you can come over and hold them if you want to…just a thought…they are coming to my home tomorrow for their 3 PM feeding…Spitty? Help me avoid squeeing over their cuteness

    • I just replied, but it didn’t go more time…Spitty, your human can come over and hold them if she wants to…it is kitten season and there will be many many more…unfortunately…and Mom Linda was all fainty after doing this. Those babies are coming to our house Tuesday for their 3PM feeding; paws crossed none of them interest me…heh…heh

  7. How wonderful! You have a great mom, miss Savvy!

  8. Pingback: Anonymous

  9. Great piece! Our Linda’s rescue web site has been hacked twice and someone opened a credit card in her name. It’s like she’s being targeted by somebody.

  10. Excellent Savvy, just excellent…I don’t know what it is that inspires people like Dan Harris to spread their lies…how can someone condemn a species? It’s both ignorant and arrogant and says little for humankind

    • and Mr Harris “lauds” his love for his own cats…I think he has 3…and yet he helped spread this incredibly flawed “research” from Smithsonian and never ever offered the other perspective Sad, very sad.

  11. That was so terrific sweet Savannah, you will be the change, I know it! But don’t you change, we love you just as you are!

    • oh Brian, you are always so kind to me. I hope Mom Linda can meet your Dad Terry if he goes to Blog Paws. We don’t know what to do because as soon as we stopped posting every day; my views dropped by about 50-75%. I guess in the end it doesn’t matter…except now I can’t make some of my efforts on behalf of adult rescue visible…sigh

  12. Thank you for all you’re doing. Fabulously purrrrfect photos.

  13. What an awesome post, Savannah! I’m so glad you are joining in Blogging the Change today. I often do, and although I am not officially taking part today, I am working on being the change with a commenthon on my blog to benefit Tabby’s Place!

  14. orientallily001 on said:

    Such important stuff, Savvy. Thank you for writing this post. Thank you very much.


  15. Wonderful post, Savannah. And so very kind of you and your Mom to be helping.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. great Post Savvy!xx Speedy

  17. What a great post! We loved it and the pics of the kittehz..well, SQUEEEE!

  18. Bless you Mom for helping to feed those bottle babies! They need all the help they can get. All ferals do actually. Meowm does miss feeding the ferals like she did when we lived on a bottom floor apartment, but now she feeds the ones at work and ppicks up/delivers food to another person here at the apartments that feeds the ferals.

  19. a great post for change….. mom says she would like to find that “study” from the Smithsonian and light it on fire. ugh…. yeah for you and your mom taking a stand and finding a local rescue to volunteer

  20. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    this iz WAAAAAY awesum oh yur mom ta help theezze kittehs savannah !! de blessings of st francis two them all….

  21. Dinah on said:

    Hi Savannah! My housekeeper is a regular shopper at the CC4C thrift store (that’s charity shop for your British fans) in Walnut Creek. Definitely a good place to visit if you’re in the neighborhood. Your friend Dinah, RWB (reader without blog.)

    Pee Ess: My housekeeper was REALLY pleased that you came close to her when she was visiting on Saturday. You’re making people happy by being brave!

  22. Thank you for helping out CC4C. It sounds like such a wonderful group, doing important and amazing things to help kitties! Great job being the change, Savvy!

  23. Hey great post and awareness raising about homeless kitties … I don’t mind when my mom helps other kittens like me. I was born to a feral mom too.

  24. Thank you for the CC4C information. I found something we needed to know on their website!! One of the feral cats we’ve been feeding for over a year was killed about a week ago, and his brother is lonely. We are trying to decide if we should trap him and find him a home (maybe with us!). Yay!

  25. ahh.. kittens.. 🙂 *enters trace like state due to adorableness*

    I’m sorry, did you say something else?? OH right.. helping said kittens! Kudos! I am sure you will Be The Change For Animals every day of your life

  26. Three of us came from a similar organization in our area. In fact, Astrid was bottle fed by one of the organization’s founders. We don’t know what would have happened to her, Calista or Lisbeth if not for Barn Cat Buddies. After adopting the first two, Mom started volunteering for the group. Keep up your good work. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  27. Awws. I just hate the media misrepresentation of feral cats. My kitten boo is a rescue from a feral mom. My friend miss Diane does her own tnr and caught boo’s mom. He is such a good little kitten. I just wish that the media would present both sides of a story before they cover things.

  28. CC4C and so many other organizations like them are doing such wonderful things….feral cats have received a “bad rap” through the years and it’s sad – particularly for a guy like me who was a little feral kitten all alone trapped under an old house. Thankfully I was rescued and taken to a shelter but most don’t survive. It’s a tough life…one we don’t choose…the help from humans and the organizations they are involved in is ever so important. Bless you and your Mom, Savvy for being a voice……the louder we talk about it, perhaps the more likely things are to change!

    Kitty hugs to you and your family, Sammy

  29. Thanks for this great post and for introducing me CC4C. I’ve read about the guy from NZ – first I thought, that’s a bad joke – but sadly it isn’t. Sometimes I think some people like this guy are missing some rungs on ladder of evolution…

  30. Good for your mom and you sweetie. M wishes she could get out and do things like that now, but (sigh) that isn’t going to happen. Those kittens are adorable. At least now they are getting wonderful care and will eventually have a forever home.

  31. OMC! They are extremely cute!
    Great organization, visibly =^.^=

  32. Oh, want to bury my head in those gorgeous tummies! A wonderful organisation to volunteer for.

  33. You and your folks are amazing doing so much for ferral cats! Keep up the fantatsic work – you are the difference! You have made the world chage for more than one kitty -well done!

  34. that sounds like one great organization and kudos to you being involved!

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