Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Returned to Sender: Address Unknown?


We have been having some real drama in my castle over the past 48 hours. You see, the door bell rang and I padded off to find Mom L to let her know. She’s been slaving away working on some graphics for a super duper new blog post; gonna be a smash hit come Monday Morning. My pals Nissy and Silver and I are planning something BIG.

Oh, my apology for digressing. Anyway, I let Mom L know someone was at the door and when she opened it no one was there; just a largish brown box with all kinds of writing and stuff on it. Naturally, she brought it into the house,  Then she and I just stared at it and at once we both moved.  While she only stepped back a couple of steps, I, (it’s so embarrassing to tell you this),had to be peeled from the ceiling. I could have been mistaken for Ceiling Cat, truth be known. That’s how fast I was stuck to that ceiling. But, I tell you, there were some unreal and very loud sounds coming from that box. Enough to scare anyone caught by surprise.

On inspection we both saw that it was a return package The Kid Sage sent to Ashton, Sometimes Cats Herd You, with new product for her Chik-Hen Emporium. Only this box was bigger somehow…with lots of cross outs on the addresses and such.

Well, it wasn’t my prob so I just shouted to TKS up in her tower to get her ‘butter butt’ down here to take care of this troubling package.

pkg final ed

TKS sauntered down the stairs and examined the box; listened to the noise and then carefully and slowly opened the box. Not a pretty sight, no, no…not pretty at all.

Arghhh!! what in MOUSES name are these?

Arghhh!! what in MOUSES name are these?

Now TKS was as shook up as Mom L and me. She sent Ashton some cute tiny chiks to grow for product for Ashton’s Grand Opening of her Chik-hen Emporium. Albeit we all know TKS did this hoping Ashton will hire her as a taster tester of incoming product. But these were other worldly, beaked, squawking birds. Not sure they ever had anything to do with those cute little chiks.



I am not sure those chik-hens even knew what had happened to them let alone where in the heck they were! They didn’t even try to flap out of that box (which by the way, had also grown)

This was getting more and more curious. And then I could see that TKS had a brainstorm.

sage worries final

There you have it. An “AH HAH” moment TKS had may help explain what happened to that chik-hen shipment. But we will have to wait and see what Ashton comes up with. In the meantime; we are dumping taking these over grown chiks back to Smokey who sent them to The Kid Sage in the first place.


peeEss...Don’t miss my Monday, April 13, blog post. It will keep you on the edge of your seats…and make you want to jump on line and purchase a copy of the recently released book Rescued: The Stories of 12 Rescued Cats Through Their Own Eyes.

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57 thoughts on “Returned to Sender: Address Unknown?

  1. Katie Isabella on said:

    THIS one has me on the edge of my seat!!!

    The ear worm was “return to sender…address unknown” Her is humming it NOW!!

  2. Whoa! What has Mom L been smokin’? This is sheer genius! I sent her a supply of chicks to but I guess she didn’t like them. Sigh.

  3. meowmeowmans on said:

    Holy Cat, those chicks sure did grow!!!

  4. Boy have they grown or what..still cute though 🙂 i have a thing for chooks hahahhaha 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx

  5. The Swiss Cats on said:

    Poor Ashton ! We wonder if her dream will come true one day… Purrs

  6. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man on said:

    Sweet Savannah we hope the chicks are out of sight and you have come down from the ceiling. What a shock that must have been to find chicks in that box. Hugs and nose kisses

  7. kittiesblue on said:

    So amazingly cute and clever. Poor Ashton. That Chicken Emporium just seems doomed to never get off the ground. We are having a giveaway for a great book. Stop by our Friday post to enter. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. pilch92 on said:

    Those are big chicks!

  9. WHAT THEE KAT iss goin on there Savannah an Sage???
    Chick-henss with big beekss an Savannah yur on thee ceilin…
    Mee iss so glad mee has a quiet life here….
    Hope them chick-henss find a good home/mouth…..
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxx

    • actually Dhartha , the chicks will live with my former vet, Dr Josie if they are hens. If they are rooster they will go to a home for roosters where they will live out their lives.

      • Mee-you Savannah thee chick-henss REELLY showed up at yur place?? mee thott it was a joke post….
        Mee has ALLOTT to leern!!! Mew mew mew,,
        There iss a Home fur Roosturss??? See mee doess not know many fingss…
        **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry *scratchin mee head*

  10. OMC! Those chicks have become hens!

  11. Flynn on said:

    OMC! Who knew those little chicks would turn into those things with beaks!

  12. catfromhell on said:

    Thise poor chick-hens! And wes impressed with how great your Mommy has gotted at graphics!! KUDOS!!!
    And wes can’t wait for Monday!
    Kisses and has a Fabulishious Furriday!

  13. S & S…….uh…..

    we hope ta cod thoz chcknz


    that wood be like de ab sole loot werst nite mare in de his tree oh nite marez sinz time bee gan on day one….


    heerz two a largemouth bass lined sole kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  14. Chickens! Better than toys, in our opinions!

  15. Chickens from the box, could there be anything better?
    Emma and Buster

  16. Clowie on said:

    I think you should put Sage in charge of checking all the mail now – you can’t be too careful!

  17. tonkstail on said:

    WAIT…dust for Waffles-prints too! MOL!! Did Ashton ever get her shipment? Will the Chicken Emporium ever become a reality!?!? Stay tuned! Uh, or something like that.

  18. Poor Ashton. In spite of everyone trying to help she’s never going to her her Chicken Emporium off the ground!

  19. hannahandlucy on said:

    A box full of chickens – thank goodness it wasn’t ostriches!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  20. haha! Oh my!! A box full of chicks?
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. Oh I bet if that happens again, they are as big as turkeys ….I gave a PAWSEL to the postman, He put it in his sack. And by the early next morning, He brought my PAWSEL back….. uhoh! now she sings that song to me the whole day… is there a place to hide for me in your chicken box?

  22. Chicken -in-a-box…….sounds like a drive-in restaurant for kitties! Sounds like a big adventure coming up for sure………..

    Hugs, Sammy

  23. I think Mom and I would both join you on the ceiling, S. Yikes!

    Love and licks,

  24. OMC, Newt and Pierre are in big, BIG trouble now!! Thanks for letting me know who had my chick shipment all along! -Ashton

  25. OMC OMC!! CHICK-HENS!!! *zooming over*

  26. OMChicks, now we know how they’re fattenend up…better not send them to Holland, Savvy 😀 Pawkisses for a Tasty..Happy Weekend 🙂 ❤

  27. I bet they are still tasty!

  28. Aww those poor Chicks,I hope they get to stretch their legs to run around.I guess you weren’t expecting that box again,xx Speedy

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