Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Morning Routines Are Important


I know I have shared the miraculous ‘Treat Pillow’ with you before… here and here. And it is a very important part of a routine Mom L and Dad P started to bring Sage aka TKS and I together. You see, we only get access to the ‘Treat Pillow’ if we are both considerate of one another’s space when we share the bed with Mom L during our morning routine of hanging out with her and Dad P while they watch the AM news on TV, read their iPad newspapers, and whatnot.

This has become so much of a routine expectation for both Sage and me that I now anticipate when Sage will make her move to get to the treats UNDER the Treat Pillow.

Go on Sage, make your move!

Go on Sage, make your move!

Of course, once I give her the ‘go ahead’ signal with my ‘look’…she knows she had best get moving.

MOUSES! HRH Savannah is soooo demanding

MOUSES! HRH Savannah is soooo demanding

I also  have to give Sage, aka TKS, encouragement once she makes her move.

Get going TKS...I don't want to wait all morning for the treats

Get going TKS…I don’t want to wait all morning for the treats

TKS gets the message and begins her unique extraction techniques…going for the gold!!!

*dig, scratch, dig, dig, scratch

*dig, scratch, dig, dig, scratch

Now she uses her unique ‘dumpster dive’ technique…she goes all in and head first!

*mpfh, mumpff, hufff*

*mpfh, mumpff, hufff*

And of course I am ever the model of total patience…

Hey TKS!? Aren't you there yet???

Hey TKS!? Aren’t you there yet???

And again as usual, TKS calls for the humans’ help…

Mom!!! Savvy is gonna whap me big time if I don't get to the treats NOW

Mom!!! Savvy is gonna whap me big time if I don’t get to the treats NOW

Par for the course, Mom L lifts the Treat Pillow….

The Gold from our morning routine

The Gold from our morning routine

Hope you all have such exciting Morning Routines! Let me know in your comments.


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36 thoughts on “Morning Routines Are Important

  1. Pingback: Are You Ready for Friday Cat Memes? | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. Pingback: Are You Ready for Friday Cat Memes? | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  3. Pingback: A Yummy ‘New to Us’ Cat Treat | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  4. mochasmysteriesandmeows on said:

    I love it! What a sweet and special morning routine 🙂

  5. Oh what a beautiful routine.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Checking under all pillows in my house, as we speak. Haven’t found anything yet. MOUSES!


  7. kittiesblue on said:

    OMC…that is a treasure trove of treats. We sort of expected a little pile not a bonanza like that. You are some very lucky kitties to have such a routine. Love to Mom L from our mom. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. My mornin roo-teen is screamin at my momma till she feeds me. Yours is better.

    • ahem…well…that is actually how I ‘begin’ our morning routine…*koff, koff, ahem* and I also scream in the middle of the night when she gets up to go “you know what” and I expect a little kibble for being troubled by her

  9. Whoa! Lookit all those treats! No wonder you’re impatient.

  10. S & S….

    we R gonna mewve in with ewe gals…. coz de mornin roo teen round heer iz uz sheeldin R eyes frum de food servizz gurl when her stepz outta de showerz….
    ….whoa ~~~~~~~~


  11. Have a delicious Wednesday!

  12. Awww that was so cute! Love your morning routine!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. I jump on pops at about 4:00 am. That’s my routine BOL!!


  14. My morning routine, sometimes, okay, many times, is playing hide n’ seek with the Medicine Man!

  15. Good team effort girls!

    Hugs, Sammy

  16. you have your pawsonally treat hunter? oh boy that’s cool! can you send me TKS for a while?… I hope she finds treats under my pillow too :o)

  17. What a haul of treats! Wow! That is worth the work. Mom always brings me a special treat when she gets up to get her tea. She comes back to bed with it and waits for me to come out from under the covers. That’s the extent of the “work” I have to do. After that, it’s all cuddling till it’s time to get up.

    Love and licks,

  18. I know that look, Savvy… 😀 My morning routine is to wake up Granny, so she can pet me before breakfast and then after eating I get myself a wash and go back to sleep again under the couch…that’s my new routine, since the moving 😀 Pawkisses 🙂 ❤

  19. What a lovely routine! Glad Miss S is relatively patient 😉

  20. The only morning routine we have here is breakfast! And my human can barely accomplish that without stumbling over herself. I like yours better.

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