Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Thankful Again…and My Garden Is Growing


Once again…it is a Thankful Thursday…and I send many APAWS!! APAWS!!! to my furriend Pepi Smart Dog for hosting this PAWSOME Blog Hop…just click on the badge to find other great Thankful Posts. Thankful-Thursday-Logo-2-150x150 So for my very , very THANKFUL THURSDAY…can anyone guess what my focus will be????…naw, you guys can’t imagine what’s on my mind…RIGHT??? DSC_2771 …WHAT??  You think you know???….yeah, yeah…Ok, Ok…it’s “another Leo Thankful Update”…who knew…I really fear like my Foster Brofur Leo…especially ‘cuz he doesn’t stay here right now…(just kidding…ummmm…well, maybe not…who knows??) Here are some photos of Leo…from this week at our PAWSOME INCREDIBLE VET CLINIC...CIVIC FELINE CLINIC… and yup…Dr Ellis totally “rocks”…she is so totally in communication with Leo’s vibes…

Leo is taking his tube feeding like a champ.  He purrrs the whole time…never, ever fusses…no hisses…no growls…just want head scritches, ear rubs and head bumps…what a guy!!

…here is a look at all the resident kitties at Civic Feline Clinic…this vet care service totally luvluvluvs us kittehs!!  I am embarrassed I do not know all their names…but next time…I surely will…

More Thankfulness…so many of my furriends from around this whole world have been so kind in their thoughts, prayers, purrs and parting with hard to find green papers…you have all made such a difference.  We will have a very accurate accounting after Mom returns from Blog Paws… between the donations coming to Contra Costa Humane Society and to Mom Linda’s Paypal account…we have received $1,175 USD toward Leo’s medical care.  Our blog paws community is so pawsome…

Leo’s care, already paid, is $2,300 and my personal vet has anticipated about another $1, 000 USD going forward.  Leo remains in her care at her clinic.  She is discounting regular fees because Leo is an adult shelter rescue cat.  He will need at least one more ultrasound, maybe two.  He still is NOT EATING ON HIS OWN…this is a critical turning point…keep those purrrs, arwwoooos, woofs, and paws crossed coming…(humble ears)

…And being the multi-tasking cat I am…here is my Thursday Society of Feline Gardeners Report for my good furriend and Emeritus Founder of our Society…JonesieSociety of Feline Gardeners Not a lot to report…but some lovely new growth…hope you all enjoy it…(and help us identify what they are!!)

That is my Thankful Thursday and my Society of Feline Gardeners Report… Hope you all enjoyed it and hope you follow my Foster Brofur Leo’s Story…

Paw Pats, Savannah

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29 thoughts on “Thankful Again…and My Garden Is Growing

  1. Pingback: Are You Ready? For a happy ending???: Thursday Purrsday | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. Pingback: Auction Time! | Under The Oaks

  3. Pingback: Raffle for Leo | My Three Moggies

  4. Pingback: Raffle for our friend Leo | My Three Moggies

  5. Leo appears so much happier with your vet, I am keeping everything crossed that he soon has a forever home!

  6. Oh Savvy! I’m ashamed to say that I’m so very behind in reading and commenting! But I want you to know that we are purring our hearts out that your Leo friend will start eating on his own soon! What an adorable sweet boy he is! and how wonderful that you and your pawrents are taking such good care of him!

  7. Oh we are so thrilled about Leo and Savannah that is indeed something to be thankful for.

  8. We have a hydrangea that flowers similar to yours. Mine is a climbing one that I have on a trellis. Enjoy your pretty garden, Savvy!!

  9. We are all rooting for Leo!!! Savvy, you and your folks are doing a fantabidozy job!! xox

  10. Yay for Leo and yay for the beautiful garden. Maybe those yellow flowers at the bottom are buttercups. If you put one under your chin and your chin turns yellow it means you like butter. Do cats have chins? Do I have a chin? I love butter….

    Love and licks,

  11. We are doing round robin prayers for Leo. What a trooper he is. That tube looks so scary! More extra prayers, purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  12. We are sending Purrayers for Leo everyday!
    Love your garden too Savannah.

  13. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    dood…sendin MOR blessings oh st francis two ewe…& PLEEEEEEEEEZ start eatin buddy…trout, flounder, mackerull, fish stiks…we will even go sew far az ta say burd…just pleeeez eat sumthin….oh kay !!!


  14. Do hope the darling boy starts eating soon. Been a long time now hasn’t it?

    • About 3 weeks…Mom and Dad and I are really worried. His blood work came back much improved, but hr won’t survive unless he willingly eats on his own. He pulled out his feeding tube yesterday and had to get replaced today cuz he would not eat…sad ears and leaky eyes

      • I am so sorry to read of Leo’s ongoing battle….w/out getting shot down here I just want to say that cats with Leo’s illness sometimes just let go. This illness ravages them inside & out & sometimes it is a blessing for them to go to the Rainbow Bridge….not that I WANT Leo to give up; I just am being a realist & am continuing to pray for what is best for sweet Leo….Miss Linda & Sir Peter you are guardian angels & Savannah you are a darling for sharing your Hu’mans & home with Leo. Kitteh purrayerz frum Nylablue.
        Love from Sherri-Ellen xo

        • No offense taken. I know Mom and Dad will be to
          D by my vet when she thinks the battle is over. Right now she is still encouraged. So,e times it can be six weeks before the cat starts to eat. We are very mindful,of not putting him through anything just cuz we want him to live. Thank you Nylablue for your kind thoughts

          • Hi Savannah & Miss Linda: I am glad no offence is taken. I have seen people keep animals alive far beyond what I am sure the animal wanted. I know your Humans are mindful of animals & will do the right thing for Leo no matter what…Six weeks is such a long time….I can see why you are holding on & hoping!!! I am praying for Leo to start to eat also…
            (Nylablue is sleeping…)

  15. Oh Dog! Come on Leo! You can do it! Eat a cookie!

  16. Paws crossed Leo. Come on and eat up your noms so you can come home and have ear scritches whenever you want!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  17. castlebreaker on said:

    We’ll continue to purr but that’s good news that he’s continuing to get care and we hope he starts eating on his own VERY soon!

    MomKatt says she thinks kitties know when people are trying to take care of them, so they are surprisingly cooperative with stuff like tubes and eye drops or other otherwise “intrusive” means of administering meds. GO LEO!!

    We were purr-oud to contribute a little towards his care.

    Selina & MomKatt Laura

  18. Hope he continues to fight and get well,xx Speedy

  19. I am continuing to purr lots for Leo – I hope he starts eating soon! My human just left for the airport about an hour and a half ago for BlogPaws.

  20. wow what an amazing amount :-). Leo will eat soon he is a MANCAT that does things when he is ready xxx

  21. orientallily001 on said:

    Leo sure is an amazin’ kitty. What a good boy to do so well at the doctors’. I’m gonna send some more extra-strength healin’ purrs his way. Stand back… here they come!


    PS. Your flowers are all so pretty!

  22. I hope so much Dr. Ellis can help Leo. I think he is a hero and a fighter and he will recover. You have wild strawberries in your garden? That’s great, they are tasty :o) Maybe the blue one is a delphinium? Have a wonderful thursday and all my best wishes for Leo.

  23. We’re glad to hear that Leo continues to be friendly and interactive during his hospitalization. Dr. Ellis sounds pawesome. We sent a donation to Contra Costa Humane Society for Leo’s care, and we’re glad to hear that so many around the world are pulling for his recovery.

    Your garden looks wonderful! Ours is in shameful condition, so maybe we should establish the Society of Felines Whose Humans Neglect Their Garden Terribly, too, and post pictures of sticks and weeds. On second thought, we’ll just look at your beautiful flowers instead!

  24. paws crossed for Leo. Here’s hoping he starts eating soon…perhaps you should offer him some bacon to whet his appetite 🙂

  25. Leo certainly has a whole great big worldwide team pulling for him. I hope he starts eating on his own soon that’s for sure. Obviously he loves Dr. Ellis and knows she’s helping him. We say a prayer every day for him. Your garden is looking beautiful – Mom doesn’t know all the plants but the fuschia with the light purple/pinkish “hangey-downie” flowers are one of her most FAVES! Happy Thursday Savvy…..

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

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