Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

A Discovery Brings A New Adventure Partner…

(Continued from Sunday March 9 Dash Kitten Blog…follow the links to go back to our first adventure where you can refresh your memory as to why those in bold ‘may’ be impawtant)

Savannah humming away as she tinkers in her steam punk workshop–

“That really hurt!!” yelled Savannah…

Savvy hits paw_post 7

“I should know better than to hum along while I work.  I just get caught up in the tune and then forget about what I am doing with my tools.  Hope no one saw that…MOL!!! ” (giggles to self)

“I sure do hope Nissy is having better luck finding something useful in the pink smart phone’s chip.  Seems really weird to me that someone or maybe some ‘thing’ would toss a pink smart phone into the space time continuum while we were teleporting…and only leave the name of the long thought extinct species of the Nip–‘Necata canipbis’.  Just plain weird if you ask me, but no one did ask me, so there you go.  Nissy just snatched that phone and stuck it in his fanny pack to work on later.

Right, so back to work…talking to myself won’t get this work done.  This stainless whisk seems to have some strange coating…*tink, tink…tap, tap, tap*…my tests are showing this coating may not be from our time…or space.”

Sitting back in her chair…Savvy puts her chin on her paw and ponders what this might mean about who, or what, left this stainless whisk behind in the recently harvested field of Necata canipbis.  Not to mention that she and Nissy need to figure out where in the heck that field was anyway. After all, they were yanked through time and space off that cliff over the ocean…and landed…well…who knows where they landed!!

(shakes headSavvy continues to ‘think out loud‘)…

“I keep digressing in my thinking…not productive, nope, not productive at all…

I sure do miss Dash…

savvy dreams of dash_post 3c

…he would have been able to help me test for particulates on this whisk.  His nose was like way more sensitive than mine and he could have done some sniff tests for me. That must be part of the reason the ‘Nip doesn’t affect me—I don’t have a nose for it.  But this lost strain of the ‘nip, Necata canipbis…whoa!  That stuff even makes my head swim a bit!!”

(Savannah slaps her paw to her forehead)…”That’s it!!!  I must have been dreaming or delusional from riding in that SUV with that old dried out twig of Necata canipbis…THAT’S why I heard someone whisper in my ear telling me to ‘go get him little ladycat’ when Nissy was first hauled off that cliff.  Why, there wasn’t a voice at all…I was nipped out!  Whew!  I have been worried that there was some telepath out there trying to influence me.”

“Glad I got that all worked out…mystery solved on that score”… mutters Savvy…”I…..” (ting, ting)

“What’s that?  Surely not the toaster?”…Savvy pads to the kitchen…and sure enough…there is a message from Nissy…

savvy gets toaster message_post

Savvy quickly pulls out her smart phone and sends Nissy and Silver a group text (silly mancats…why can’t they just use modern technology instead of this old fashioned toaster message contraption…sheesh)

savvy text_post

To: Nissy and Silver
Subject: Transport to meet Silver
Savvy works her paws very fast…tappity, tap, tap, tappity, tap…I’ll tell him to meet me in my Fast Leopard Teleport Tunnel.  That way we can get to Silver faster…(taps ‘send’ with one claw…whoosh…off goes the group text)

“Hope Nissy doesn’t insist on using those recycled egg beaters he bought on E-bay…I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could toss Seville who bought them!”

“Oh”…Savannah runs off to set up the Fast Leopard Teleport Tunnel…Climbing inside…she shouts “Helllllooooo???….come on Nissy…shake your paws…let’s get going to see Silver.”

“Mouses” says Savannah…”if Nissy comes here using that egg beater, frying pan whatever technology he dreamed up…we are so going to be in trouble”

…then a sudden vacuum of air and Savannah can hardly catch her breath…everything blurs…%$##ZAP*&%$##…Savannah feels someone snatch her up by her scruff and then…

Nissy grabs Savvy_post 2

To be continued….(visit Nerissa’s Life for the breathtaking conclusion…Wednesday, March 12…and if you missed the first chapter on Sunday, March 9…visit Dash Kitten…his brofur Silver found something…)

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25 thoughts on “A Discovery Brings A New Adventure Partner…

  1. Wow, I’m loving this. Is your adventure plotted out or is there room for side trips?Come visit us in NY.

  2. Oh can’t wait to see what happens next ,so exciting,xx Speedy

  3. Dinah on said:

    More more more, please. I’ve read Nerissa’s Mar 12 posting —- please don’t leave us in suspense too long. Your friend Dinah RWB (reader without blog)

  4. catfromhell on said:

    What a adventure! Mes is totally stoked! Mes wants to learn more!

  5. Savvy, you know how man-cats are: They never listen when you give them instructions. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Meow I sure do hope you cats can get to the bottom of this mystery! Even more I hope you find the seeds to bring back that strain of Necata Canipbis for all of catdom! If any cats can you three can

  7. Great adventure…love the photos!!!

  8. OOOOOH, the suspense is killin’ us! What’s going to happen next???

  9. Whoa! You be smoking it too! Strange things happening in Blogville. Fun images.

  10. We knew as soon as we saw the whisk that there was something highly irregular going on!

  11. Pingback: The adventure begins and Cat Bloggers go viral! | Pet Blogging in Middle Earth

  12. Whoa! This is some adventure…we can’t wait for the conclusion!

  13. Two French Bulldogs on said:

    What next, what next
    Lily & Edward

  14. What a fab adventure! Have lots of fun jumping through the wibbley-wobbely-time-wimey stuff!
    The Pigs xx

  15. Oooh I can’t wait to here more.

  16. Oh my cat!! Is THIS what Silver has been up to!?!?

  17. Pawsum Savannah…me can hardlee wiat to reed da next innstallmint fo da story!! Yer werkshop iz fancy too!! me asked Mum fer one n she gave me da *stink eye*; me assumez dat meenz “NO!!!”
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen “NO” Mum too xoxoxoxo

  18. wow! Sure sounds like a great adventure you kitties are going on!
    I’ll be sure to visit Nissy’s blog!!
    have a great day!

    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    savvy….just use caushun coz ya noe wear thoze egg beaterz landed everee one last yeer…. !!!!

  20. oh my gosh! this is so exciting! what a great idea!!!! Love the workshop. Wow.

  21. Hold on, Savvy! I’M ON MY WAY…………. !!!!!!!


  22. I have three kitties here who would love to have a workshop like yours. It does scare me, though, to think what they might do with it.

  23. What a pawesome adventure! I love your workshop, all those fancatstic gadgets… I may pop over later and swap notes with mew about your teleportation device 😀

  24. Wow Savvy what an adventure this is! I’ll make sure and see what happens next on Nissy’s blog on the 12th…..I can hardly wait!

    Hugs, Sammy

  25. We need to go back because we missed the first part of this story, but if it’s steampunk, we have to see what’s going on!

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