Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Arrival In New Zealand…ROAD TRIP!!

…the Old Booke Shoppe and Zealandia Mystery Adventure continue… (Beginning episodes on Dash Kitten, HERE, and Nerissa’s Life, HERE, and Savannah’s Paw Tracks, HERE)…

Previously on Savannah’s Paw Tracks…
Nissy: Naw…go on, text Dash to get ready to pull us through the 3rd tunnel on your transport…I know we both have to get through to the middle green section where your controls are…then we should eject with Dash’s help.
Savvy:  OK, but first give me that sprig…(Savvy tucks it into her fanny pak)…I don’t trust you having it so close to you.
 Alright…let’s get going…Dash is waiting for us at the third tunnel to pull us through if we need any help…”

Savannah:  (yowling for Dash)…DASH!!!???

Dash:  Savvy??…Nissy??…are you both in there???

Savannah:  yes, who else would be in here?? Come on, help me get out…(reaches paws up to Dash…)…kerplop!! Ouch!!  Dash, you didn’t have to drop me on my tail ya know!

Dash:  Oh, sorry Savvy…ummm…it was kind of hard getting your, ahhh, ummmm….you know…your rear end out and all

Savannah:  thanks lots Dash…Spitty wouldn’t say something like that to me ya know…harummppff.  And besides, it was because my fanny pak got stuck…(Savannah pads around to the top of the 3 Way Teleport Tunnel to reach in a get her fanny pak)…go on Dash…help Nissy…he’s a mess again

Nissy and Savvy Arrive

Dash:  Nissy, grab hold of my paws…ummmppffffff…OK, he’s out Savvy

Savannah:  (looks over at the jeep Dash brought)…nice ride Dash…purrfect choice.  We have some really rugged country to get across before we can reach a high cliff over the ocean.

Dash:   Savvy, what’s this all about?  All I did was send Nissy an old book from an old book shop…I just thought he would be interested in that dried up sprig I found…but I never thought to have you both dash down here (no pun) or anything…what’s going on??

Savannah:  Ask Nissy…but let’s get going first.  We have a long way to go if we are gonna find the sunken continent of Zealandia…I have a feeling this is not gonna go well…just sayin’…

Dash, you have to drive…I have the map of the lost sunken continent of Zealandia…

Dash:  Ok, I have a map of New Zealand with me…let’s go.

Savannah:  (sitting between the two mancats…pondering how they will ever find out if any of the long lost Necata canipbis is left anywhere in Zealandia.  And Savannah continues to have a nagging thought that some “one” or some “thing” is trying to manipulate Nissy…but why???)

And off they go…whomping and bumping along dirt and gravel roads…

Nissy:  Thank Cod you got a 4 wheel drive Dash!!

Jeep take 2

This mountain road is rugged…koff, koff…hack…not to mention dusty!!  I feel a serious hairball coming on…drive a bit slower Dash.

Savannah, let me take a look at that map.  Maybe we can find a really good cliff over the ocean where we can see any islands left from Zealandia.

(Dash slams on the brakes, all 3 cats sink claws into the leather seats)…WHAT??!!

SPLOOSH!!…Sorry guys, I didn’t see this stream through the brush…kawhomp, splash…drip, drip…

Jeep stream crossing fish

Savannah pulls some MRE’s (Mice Ready to Eat) out of her fanny pak…do you guys want to have some noms??  I don’t usually go for the raw diet cat food, but this was all packaged, so I brought enough for all of us.

Nissy and Dash…licking chops…yummmmmm….let’s pull over  and have a bite and use the great outdoor litter box…heh…heh

After what seemed to Savannah a kabillion hours…they finally reach the cliff they want…overlooking the ocean…all 3 cats peer out over the ocean…looking for bits of sunken Zealandia sticking up from the ocean.

cats view ocean

Savannah:  Guys, I think I see something…way out…see that little spot?

Nissy:…oh yeah…let me get a closer look….(Nissy walks to the edge of the cliff)…

All of a sudden, Nissy lets out a tremendous YYOOOOOWWWLLLLLL!!!

Savannah and Dash look around and Nissy is nowhere to be seen!!!

NISSY!!!??? NISSY???!!!

Then a small voice whispers in Savannah’s ears…”go get him little ladycat”…and Savannah finds herself pushed over the cliff and hurtling toward where she now sees Nissy…sort of hanging in the air…caught in some kind of beam…but the beam is drawing him down toward the ocean…(where did that small voice come from???)

Savannah lets out a humongous shriek…AIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!…and grabs Nissy’s tail…hoping to pull him back…in mean time Savannah screams back to Dash…

Dash, Dash…grab my tail!!  Hurry!!  And whatever you do, DON’T let your paws leave the ground!!!

CLIFF jumping 2

Too late…Dash is already being pulled over the cliff too…and he grabs Savannah’s tail in hopes of not losing either her or Nissy…and they are all pulled toward the ocean…

…to be continued to the story’s conclusion tomorrow on Nerissa’s Life.  Be sure to read previous episodes before tomorrow…Episode 1: Dash Kitten; Episode 2: Nerissa’s Life; Episode 3: Savannah’s Paw Tracks…this post is Episode 4.

Paw Pats, Savannah

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36 thoughts on “Arrival In New Zealand…ROAD TRIP!!

  1. Pingback: A Discovery Brings A New Adventure Partner… | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  2. Pingback: Monday Meowsie News…with a late request | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  3. Geez this nip must have been really powerful…

  4. OMC, did you bring your parachutes… 🙂

  5. Claw biting stuff!!! I’m on the edge of my roof tile here!!! 😉

  6. Gosh how excting,need a paw?xx Speedy

  7. Pingback: Two Words: Ending…Beginning | Savannah's Paw Tracks

  8. stealthfur0ne on said:

    What an adventure.
    Can you let us know where to get those Mice Ready to Eat Savannah? They sound good for a fast snackeroo.

    OH MY CAT!
    A Real Cliff-Hanger! (Sorry I couldn’t resist)
    Can’t wait for the next thrilling chapter!

    Buddy: “Com-on an turn da pager! Com-on Com-on will-ya”

    Sorry Buddy we have to wait till the next chapter.

    Buddy “Durn it. Gimmee a Micer Good ta Eat”

    *Tim sighs*

  9. meowmeowmans on said:

    Now that’s what we call a cliff hanger! We can hardly wait to see what adventures come next for you!

  10. Wow what an adventure….I am holding my breath here til the next installment!!! Sherri-Ellen

  11. What fun! We’re hooked.

  12. Ohhhhhh. This is so exciting!

  13. We’re on the edge of our cliff, uh, seats!

  14. What the …? Whoa! A modern day fairy tale or is it a modern day cat tail. MOL!

  15. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    we iz lovin this miss tree savyy….itz even better then de fish that WUZ in de neer by streem de jeep jumped cross…

  16. Hey, you guys are really ending the story tomorrow? We are really enjoying this great adventure and thought it might continue a little longer. Oh well, see y’all tomorrow. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  17. I am SO gonna need some nip after this!


  18. I wish I had some of this fishies :o) I hope Flipper will come to rescue the 3 “cliff divers”… that looks like a CATastrophe. I’m there tomorrow – hope I can sleep tonight :O)

  19. I’d say it’s a real cliffhanger too but it appears that you all have jumped OFF the cliff you were hanging on so can’t wait to see what’s next….swimming to the island?????? Wowzers.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  20. Goodgrief Savvy what a cliffhanger indeed…..I am riveted to my seat..much to Dinnermintz dismay as she fancied the seat herself 😉
    I shall stay tuna-d
    Big hugs Fozziemum xx

  21. Oh golly! Such drama and finishing on a cliff hanger too . . . literally!

    Can’t wait to find out what happens next!

    Nutty, Nacho, Buddy & Basil

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??