Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Words or No Words…It’s Wednesday!

Hiya! Savannah Here!

Having a house guest is only tolerable (vocab builder project VBP) if Mom keeps up with my Head Massages…

…I had to check to make sure before I would leave our bedroom on Tuesday evening…

…is she gone yet???…

Paw pats, Savannah

peeEss next house guest arrives late tonight…gone on Sunday…(whispers behind paw…purrlease!…can any furriends save me??…2 visitors over 10 days…and they sleep here, eat here…HELP!!!!… Desperate Cat!!!!)

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37 thoughts on “Words or No Words…It’s Wednesday!

  1. rykersboyz on said:

    Mowzers, Faraday hides for the duration when we has “guests”. We totally feel your pain! (Allie’s the hussy though and LOVES attention – esp. MALE attention *disgusted look*)

    • well, I stayed in our bedroom. had little play time with Mom or Dad and almost NO ATTENTION from them…but the last introoder just left, thank Ceiling Cat…I should have whacked her ankles going out the door…sigh Savvy

  2. The house guests did not take any of your toys or they did not sleep on your nap mat I hope?

  3. Hey Savvy, Big Guy here. Hi Miss Linda.

    Dear Savvy,
    Sometimes, while smelling unfamiliar, the occasional house guest can be trained to fit in with house protocol. (VBP) In the case of K9s, they can also be bribed into giving extra treats! Perhaps in your case, they could be trained for extra time to help you play with your favorite toys!

    Make sure they are aware of your favorite spots too.


  4. Chancy and Mumsy on said:

    Oh, that head brushing looks like it feels wonderful sweet Savannah. Hugs and nose kisses

  5. Whoa! I see Austin is trying to bribe you. Not very nice. Glad you got your brushies. You should come here. We only get guests twice a year and they go home after a few hours.

  6. spittythekitty on said:

    I’ll be there in 10 minutes, darling. We’ll go in a nice closet somewhere and I will groom your pretty little head and we’ll forget all about those irritating extra Humans. XOXOXO

  7. this is a great opportunity to build vocabulary AND confidence! Guests love to pet kitties and give them treats!

  8. Charlotte on said:

    Sending nose kisses to ya to help with the company endurance! Hang in there Savannah!

  9. Come over here, Savvy. There is plenty of room for a sweet girl like you xox >^,,^<

  10. Aw poor Savvy! You need an escape… Ok, teleport here and Leo will show you how to hide out! Or he’ll just try to lure you into his mancat cave. I think he’s discovered girlcats.. MOL

  11. mollieandalfie on said:

    Wez luv’s visitors..extra attention..Need ya Savvy..wood say when’s Wez did..Youz gotta come over tomorrowz..being sued!! Yor heart broken Alfie xx00xx

  12. Hey, Savannah. Why don’t you pack your bags for a 10 day sleepover here? We will drive Mom insane, but she won’t mind!

  13. You need an escape tunnel Savannah!

  14. Two of my cats would be right with you Savannah, not being happy with visitors. The other is the social butterfly of the family and loves guests probably more than my dog?? He’s also the one that wants head massages like you do.

  15. Oh dear Savannah I dont know what I would do if I had so many hoomans in the house that I didn’t know.

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  16. Awwww , I come and get you out of there right away , Savannah !

  17. You are most welcome to come over. We have lots of toys, silvervine and the best seats for Squirrel TV!

  18. We hear ya bud!
    The Maple Syrup Mob

  19. Sweet Savannah, teleport right over and stay the rest of the week with us. Princeton is always up fur a game of THoE! Purrs.

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