Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Friday Frolics


I had a pretty nice play time with Mom this afternoon…it helped us both a lot.  We both had a sort of traumatic pawevent yesterday.


You see, I have been allowing Mom to pick me up…even the day after they came home from Maui.   But then on Monday, I caught this sniffle thingy…or maybe I even inhaledpaw a fev-ver??  Who knows?!

Anywho, I have not been feeling on top of the world, and yesterday, Mom just needed a teeny little hug from me…so she reached down to pick me up like she had just a couple of days ago…

…and I totally FREAKED!!!…Yup!…I flailed and struggled and wriggled and Mom finally had to do the only thing she could to not hurt me…Yup again…I got the scruff…otherwise if Mom had let me go….I would have fallen and maybe hurt myself I was so frantic.

She cried…well…sobbed…and I finally let her pet me and brush me later before bed.  Not pawsitive for sure.  We both think I was just freaked out ‘cuz I don’t feel so good right now.

Ok, enough of the “not so good Frolics”…

Today was a really nice afternoon…we played…and I took a time out in my Fast Leopard Teleport Tunnel…you all know this is my like fave–right??

feeling a bit better 1

…well I played hard with my Peacock Fev-ver and chased it and rumbled with it…and then I took a time out in my tunnel…

feeling a bit better 2

Actually this is the first time I have stayed and relaxed a bit in my tunnel for about 2 months…Mom and I both enjoyed our play time and now…we are off for our bed time cuddles…

UPDATE: So many furriends have come together to make a hopefully happy story out of the Three Royals, from a lady named Miss Rose, who passed away somewhat unexpectedly.  Another lady, Miss ML who managed the Cat Blogosphere for a long time, well she saved Miss Rose’s “Three Royal Cats”…and has been managing problems with one of her own precious kitties as well.

Long story short…I will let you  know for sure this weekend if we have all 3 cats, Emily, Marigold and Brutus, safely held until their new furrever homes can collect them.  But so many have stepped up to donate time, money and tons of love…this is a great community to wrap around us when we are in need.  Pawsome, totally pawsome!

Paw Pats, Savannah

peeEss…I will give links once I know who is who…I am still too new to know all the wonderful furriends who have jumped in…and I don’t know their bloggies etc. …embarrassed ears…sigh

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37 thoughts on “Friday Frolics

  1. Hey Savvy, hope you feel better soon. Hope you mummy isn’t too upset, we all get a bit grumpy when we don’t feel well xx

  2. Savvy, even the most mellow of us kitties sometimes freak out…it happens. {{hugs}} to your Mom, we feel so bad that she cried.
    We’ve been following the Rpyal’s story on FB–the CB is a wonderful community!

    • thanks lots guys…Mom is just having one of those emotional weeks! So much sadness for cats, dogs in the blogs and TWitter and even with humans who are their guardians; job loss; unemployment; losing a home and then having to surrender cats cuz the new landlord won’t take them; all so very sad…just getting to Mom. So she is doing stuff she likes today…and visiting furriends is on the list finally.

  3. Oh sweet Savannah…me iz goin thru da sickness too. me won’t let Mum pick me up at all!!! She just keepz strokin me or bringz da brushez n dat iz soothin fer me!!! It iz hard to let anyone enar when we don’t feel guud 😦
    Me iz hopin n prayin to CatGod you will feel better soon!!!
    Is dere a blog we can read bout da 3 Royalez?? It soundz bery sad dat dere Hu’Mum died sudden like n now dese kittehz are lookin fer a new home!!! Scary stuff dat!!!!
    *head rubz* frum Nylablue. xo

    • I posted a link to a blog that told a bit of what happened. I didn’t know about their blog, so Mom and I are not familiar with the lady Mom who died nor the lady human who started the rescue effort, only know her as “ML” but everyone else knows them both really well. We have almost completed all the arrangements for all 3 to be in new forever homes. I will do a post about it March 15 when it is all said and done and all three are safely in new homes.

      • Yow Savannah….me went to read da Royalz blog n it iz so sad… knowz wif yer Mum helpin da Royalz will find a guud new home!!!! We will await da March 15h blog wif ant-is-pashun!!!! Lub Nylablue xo

  4. Oh poor savvy! Get well soon sweetie. The animal community online is quite amazing aren’t they? =^..^\

  5. We know how hard it can be to be pleasant when you don’t feel well. We know your Mom loves you and will forgive you.

    We’re hoping the transition for Emily, Brutus and Marigold will go smoothly.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. spittythekitty on said:

    The Human says: Don’t worry about the ‘setback’–Spitty almost always allows me to pick him up. Sometimes he’ll hold still for a brief (or, rarely, not so brief) hug in ‘paws-on-shoulder’ position and all is well.
    But sometimes, he just plain FREAKS OUT and writhes and twists and goes nuts. I try to hold on till he’s in a good position to set him down again, but sometimes he is so totally wacked out he just goes flyin’. There’s no way for me to know when the occasional freak out is going to occur, and it never seems to carry over to the next time. Sometimes even an hour later he’ll be just fine with it again. Go figure. Hope the sniffles clear up soon!

    • your human is wise as always Spitty. She was afraid I would leap away and hurt myself on a piece of furniture or somthin’. I am better now, eating just fine, still sneezing, but playful again. Mom is paying more attention to me today so paws crossed all is moving up. And thank you again so much to you King Spitty and your human for helping out with the cost of saving The Royals. What beautiful kitties.

  7. We’re sorry to hear about your setback. Feral recovery is a long road. Just last night, the head peep picked up Ashton to take her to bed when the rowdy boys came tearing into the room, skidding across the floor, and scared Ashton right under the spare room bed. The head peep has such a cold that all of her croaking to ask Ashton to come out only made things worse! The head peep went to bed sick and sad without Ashton. But about three hours later, Ashton came tiptoeing up onto the bed in the dark. It just takes time. Sometimes LOTS of time, especially when we don’t feel well or are stressed.

    It’s good to hear that the Royal kitties are located and hopefully will be on their way to their new forever homes soon. Their story has made us sad, and we are hoping for a happy ending for them.

  8. Chancy the Gardener on said:

    We are so sorry you are not feeling well sweet Savannah. We hope now you are letting your mom hug you and help you get all better. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. Poor Savvy and poor Mum. Don’t feel too bad Savvy. When you’re feeling ill you sometimes don’t want to be fussed and sometimes when I’m in a deep sleep and I suddenly find The Help’s face in mine it can be a bit of a shock!
    I’m sure normal cuddles will resume when you feel better and you’ll begin to enjoy them so much soon that your Mum will be cuddled out 🙂

  10. Aw Savvy, I hope you feel better soon and let your mom pick you up again! Hugs to your mom! I’m sure it was distressing for both of you!

  11. Sometimes, when you’re feeling poorly, you just need some private time. Your mom might have forgotten that for a minute. Glad to hear you’re fine again and playing nicely together.

    Love and licks,

  12. We hope you are feeling better now Savannah.

  13. I would love to get one of those tunnels for my 2 cats, where did u get it? I enjoy your daily emails thank you for the smiles, laughs and even the sad ones.

  14. Sometimes we kitties just don’t like to be picked up too, you know, it happens. Sometimes my human wants to dance (I know! No comment please!) with me in her arms and I would let her for a couple of minutes, and sometimes I just want to be let alone and I will let her know.
    Sometimes humans feel blue and they think we reject them when we do that. But we don’t. It is just not the right time for us and that’s all. That doesn’t mean we do not love our humans =^.^=
    Take good care of yourself Savvy!
    Purrs to you and your Mom!

  15. Stuff like that happens. Often, when peep #1 goes to pick up my sister Constance, Connie freaks like she’s dancin’ a new dance or somethin’. Five minutes later, she’s back with the peep, curled up next to her. Personally, I think it might be a girl thing.


    • I could give you a smack for sayin’ that Nissy if I didn’t luv ya so much MOL! Mom has spent her WHOLE day with the rescue of The Royals. Mom, all on her own, FOUND THEM!! She found the shelter/kennel they were put in finally. Now we are trying to get them sprung free. Mom also made the flight arrangements for the lady to fly from Utah to NJ to get Emily…she doesn’t have a credit card so Mom put it on hers. The lady will pay her back, no problem. Now she is lookin’ for a hotel at the Philly airport that takes pets and doesn’t cost the cat’s tail to stay there…just sayin’’mean??? Please stick with me Nissy, I promise I will get to visit again one day. sigh

  16. da tabbies o trout towne on said:

    savannha…if we may bee sew bold az ta say if ewe wood get rid oh de bug infezted burd feather in yur houz…ewe ood knot feel sew …blah…. 🙂

    trooly !!

    haza grate week oh end !!

  17. I’m sorry you don’t feel well, Savvy. Hope you feel better soon. Happy Healthy Friday 🙂

  18. Tunnel, great love of cats, but after boxes only!

  19. Savvy get well soon sweetie ,its my party tomorrow ,xx Speedy

  20. Sorry to hear you haven’t been 100% Miss S – must have been a disappointing event for you both. Hope to hear more on the rehoming of those lovely cats – people never cease to amaze us by how kind and generous they can be.

  21. I hope you feel better soon, Savannah, and that everything gets back to normal (and better!) at your house. I have been keeping close tabs on what is going on with Marigold, Brutus and Emily, and I think right now they are trying to work out the transport situation for them – paws crossed!!

  22. Sorry to hear you had a bit of a setback there Savvy but I have no doubt that it’s just because you are not well. Sounds like you’re starting to feel a little bit better. So glad to hear how wonderful everyone has been with those poor kitties. Look forward to the updates.

  23. Awww, poor Savannah, when you don’t feel good, sometimes you can get a little grumpy too. We bet you will let Mom pick you up again when you are feeling better.

    Wonderful news about the three kitties – such nice peeps out there.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  24. catfromhell on said:

    Yous knows, sometimes cuddly me – who now loves to be picked up and snuggled – goes all hellish on Mommy or Daddy when they picks me up! Me has little razors on the ends of my toes and they can cut a unsuspecting pawrent to ribbons!

  25. Oh dear friend, I sure hope you feel better soon. Extra hugs for Linda because she has brought you this far already. She has done wonders with you sweetie. I’m so happy there might be good news for all three kitties. It’s such a sad situation.

  26. When we’re not feeling well we all need a little alone time Savvy…I’m sure your momz understands…And great that all 3 kitties are safe now…Good work on all involved

  27. Heathcliff wants you to know that ‘blips’ in recovery do happen…it’ll be OK.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob

  28. Hoping that now you are feeling better Savannah!

  29. I think this bad sniffle was the reason… If I’m not well I’m acting bizzarely… maybe the quote: “I wasn’t myself” is really true? I hope Emily, Marigold and Brutus will move to their furever home soon. (the names are just great, aren’t they?)

  30. Poor Savannah and poor Miss Linda. Being a kitty in recovery is the only thing harder than loving a kitty in recovery. Even after 9 years together my HuMom rarely picks me up. If she is sitting or even better, laying, down, I will get in her lap and love on her. But, I decide. She might call to me, but it is always me who decides if it is snuggle cuddle time. Heaven help us both if she sneezes or has a cough. That will send me right under the bed. I KNOW my HuMom would never hurt me. She gets upset if she trips over me in the dark that I might be hurt. I am a black cat. Seeing me in the dark takes night vision googles! Anyway, we send you both a soft paw pat and a head bonk. Love will win the day. But sometimes it’s hard to hold on to the faith.
    Mistletoe & Hitch

  31. Gee Savvy we sure hope you’re over your cold soon. Sometimes when we’re feeling yucky we really just want to be left alone and your Mom was just trying to make you feel better when she tried to pick you up – I know you know that – but our HEADS don’t always get the message our HEARTS are sending! Anyway, let’s hope everything is back to normal now for both of you – – – you look quite cozy on your bed in the first shot. We’re also happy to get a HAPPY update on “The Three Royals”….. 😀 😀

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  32. Oh what good news that the little ones might have homes… we can’t get over how sad it was that the family could be so cruel. Our humans have made arrangements in their wills for us but Rumblemum still worries that if something happened to her and Rumbledad that we’d be treated badly… 😦 It’s so wonderful that the CB has stepped up to help.

Waving paw...HI!...what'd 'cha think...??