Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

Thursday Purrsday…


It is the season of giving and I am again pawticipating in the wonderful Secret Paws 2013 event sponsored by Sweet Purrfections.

Last year was my very first year and I luv’d shopping with Mom for the prezzies I wanted to put in my package for the kitties for whom I was their Secret Santa Paws!

Hmm..just the right paper

Hmm..just the right paper

So this year I was very excited to get my new kitty list and start finding prezzies for the package I was sending.  Of course, this year…I again did most of the snoopervising of what went in the box, how it was wrapped and made sure the box was just the right size.

But, Mom made me let the kid, Sage, do a little bit too…she did OK…sort of…

Here is our production line up…(pass cursor over each photo to see captions and click to bigify)

…I let the kid make sure it all fit just right…

Well the kid has to call me something, so she came up with Your Highness Savannah (YHS)…works for me so far.

We are both. Sage and I,  very, very thankful that we have been able to send something to other woofies, cats and wildlife living in sanctuaries this holiday season. Being Secret Santa and helper to another feline home is only part of what we have been up to.  It is what we do every year at this time…we ask family and friends to donate rather than give us anything. We have enough…giving makes us happy and grateful for what we already have ourselves.

Please join us in Pepi Smart Dog’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

…and purrlease if you care to do so… let us know in comments on my post what you are most thankful for during this season…


Paw pats, Savannah…

…head butts from The Kid Sage

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26 thoughts on “Thursday Purrsday…

  1. Oh Present wrapping time did you both play with the paper?xx Speedy

  2. Great job wrapping! Pretty paper and plenty of BOWS!! I hope TW took note for next year. Cats love bows and ribbon after all.

  3. Just pop yourself in that box and have your assistant ship woo to PAWSylvania!


  4. Allie: Wait. Savvy, you got the kid to call you something RESPECTFUL? *sigh* You are SO lucky. All Faraday ever does is try to bite me on the *ahem* hind end.

    Some kitty is going to be VERY lucky with that pawesome gift package!

    • well Allie, truth be told…The Kid chases me anytime she sees me walking and I run and she usually gets a pawful of my furs…Mom Linda is not very happy with her and neither am I…how do you tolerate Faraday?? I need advice, girl talk purrlease…

  5. Yow Savannah n Sage me can say me iz most grrreatfull fer bein alive to bee wif Mum n all of me bloggie furendz….5 more dark time sleepz n den Mum n me sellybrate our birfdayz. me grrrreatfull fer da Guardian Angelz who haz helped wif green papurrz fer me Vet billz n me iz grrreatfull fer Mum…no matter how she feelz she alwayz takez guud care of me. me haz speshell kibble n Fancy Feast n catnip n so many toyz n a peecock feever n Eesha Chunmayi me not so pink pony Ellyfant….me haz eberyfing a kitteh cuud want….most of all me iz grrrreatfull fer LUB!!!
    Much lub to all of ya frum me Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

  6. You were a big help with the gift wrapping Savvy. Thank you for your lovely ecard.

  7. What a great job you did, Savannah. And it was nice that you let Sage help. Hey, we like your new title! YHS!

  8. That looks like a super fun box of goodies for some lucky kitty. Good job with cooperating to get it done.

    Love and licks,

  9. da tabbie o trout towne on said:

    pee ess…thanx mew savvy & sage for de awesum ecard….we loved it…spesh a lee de fish !!! ahoy cap’n !!!

  10. da tabbie o trout towne on said:

    yur sekrit paws present will bee great lee appreciated S & S !!! N it bee veree nice oh ewe ta help out sum shelters N sanctuareez az well….hope everee one haza grate week oh end…we bee offline two morrow…enjoy !!!

  11. catfromhell on said:

    Did yous leaves notes that it was Purrsonally inspected by Savvie and Sage?
    Your recipients will be happy!

  12. Two Frwnch Bulldogs on said:

    You could be a professional gift wrapper!

  13. Your Highness Savannah…what a wonderful present box you are wrapping and sending. You are such a sweet kitty.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  14. Looks like your Secret Paws recipient is getting a whole lot of loot. You and Sage are very generous kitties. Glad to see you two working together and Sage showing you the proper amount of respect! Right now we are thankful for that huge box from a couple of days ago. Mom says she is going to make a club house for us on the catio. We are a little bummed that she will not let us open our Secret Paws gifties from Silver Meow until Christmas. Hiss…boo! Meowy Catmess. MOL, HO, HO, HO! Purrs and hits, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. That’s a super parcel, even with a personally note of YHS and “the kid” .

  16. Well Savvy, what I am most thankful for during the holiday is my family. It is a tradition that my family all gathers at my house for a nice turkey dinner at the holidays, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
    ((hugz)) from your husky pals at “love is being owned by a husky”

  17. Looks like you did an EXCELLENT job of the supervisin’! I, Nerissa the Cat, was not allowed to supervise the wrappin’ of the prezzies. Too much nip in the room or somethin’ like that. Least, that’s what Ol’ Peepers said. And did you know she didn’t even wrap ’em properly? She just bundled ’em in tissue. Of course, that’s what Santa does for us, too. Least with nip toys. The tissue gets all nippy and oohhh… ahhh…. BLISS.


  18. The both of you did a great job snoopervising! We are thankful for our family and friends and a safe home. xox

  19. It looks like you did a pawesome job snooperivsing. There are going to be some very lucky Secret Paw recipients out there!

  20. Savvy and Sage have things well in paw…isn’t it wonderful to donate to those who are not so is the best gift we can get the gift of generosity …today I am thankful that my doggies and kitties could have the coolness of inside the house to spend their many out in the terrible heat this time of year. HUgs Fozziemum xx

  21. I am thankful for such great friends! Have a brilliant holiday

  22. You guys are such stars. We need to make our donation to our local rescue centre, but hoping to do that this weekend.

  23. Great job of snoopervizing ! And paws up for being a Secret Santa for pets in need. Purrs

  24. I think Sage did a great job of supervising!

  25. Your kindness and help of others makes you stars in our firmament. Thank you Savvy er.. and the kid, for being real angels to those in need!


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