Savannah's Paw Tracks

Autobiography of a Former Shelter Cat

TIssue Paper Rocks!


Sammy, over at One Spoiled Cat, taught me all about tissue paper play!! Oh My Cat!  My first time tryin’ it…WHAT A RUSH!!

After Mom read about Sammy’s collection of tissue, she promised to ge tme some of my own…harummppphh…never happened!  So Dad buys this nice pair of new sandals…and guess what??  YES!  They are wrapped in tissue paper!

So Mom gets two pieces and puts them on the floor…Dad says “Hey, what if I want to take them back??” And Mom says “Return them without the tissue paper honey, Savannah needs it more…”  MOL

Anyways, so now me and Mom are on the floor…with the tissue paper…and I just sort’a sit there and stare at it…so Mom knows my fave toy is my black feather wand…so she gets it and starts to put it under the paper…

…and I’m thinkin’ ‘now your talkin’ Mom”…this could be interesting…so I reach over and just lightly ‘tap’ the tissue paper…aieeeeee!!! WHAT A GREAT NOISE!!! Just like Sammy said…it is CRINKLY!!!….

…then I kind’a find myself sitting on the tissue paper…hmmmm…oopps! Something is under my butt??!!…

..Oh Cat! Now it’s under my tummy…must attack…must kill…spreading front paws wide to trap it….

…AIIEEE…it is getting away…I launch my whole body across the tissue paper…not matter the awful (not really) noise it makes…trying to trap what’s under it with my front VERY strong paws and a good ole body slam!….

…phewwww! Now it’s back under where it belongs…but wait a minute…is that a peek under the sheet of tissue paper…lemme test it with one paw…verrryy carefully…

…oh, oh, oh…it’s getting away AGAIN!!  Quick grab under the tissue paper…no matter the risk to myself…

…uummphhfff…can’t quite reach it…shover paws and nose under…again, taking the risk it won’t attack me…full offensive attack mode from me now….pant, pant…

…there…the tissue paper is now deaded!!  Bring on the next one! …yelling at Dad…”Hey Dad, could ya go use your plastic card thingy and bring home some more shoes??!!”

Yep…I am luvluvluvin the tissue paper!!

Paw pats to all, Savannah

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53 thoughts on “TIssue Paper Rocks!

  1. OOOh yeah. Tissue paper ROCKS!!!

  2. Oh, I have to remind my human that I too like tissue paper…..

    You know what else I like? Balls made out of tin foil! Lots of fun

  3. Isn’t tissue paper great? Sounds like your Mom has her priorities in the right place! MOL!

  4. Looks like you had lots of fun 🙂
    You do know you can recycle the deaded paper into a paper tissue ball. Ask your human. Seriously, you can still have fun with it 😉

  5. catfromhell on said:

    Dear Savannah!
    Is not tissue paper the bestest!!! Me LOVES tissue, but wes don’ts get to play with it very often any more. Our hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon shreds it and gets it it everywhere! So Mommy says no more tissue until she gets older.
    Enjoy yours for mes!

    • oh dear…hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon is a spoiled brat! How can she be the cause of you, the Queen, being denied anything!! Tell her to grow up fast! Tissue Paper totally Rocks and you deserve it…just sayin’

  6. Savannah
    We only get the tissue papers at Chrissmousey time, but they are such fun!!!


    • one time a year is better than none, huh?! Staff and volunteers at my last shelter said to Mom and Dad when they took me first to foster at their home, “oh, no need to take any toys for Savannah…she never plays…”…they outta eat those words about now, huh!

  7. Whee love love love tissue paper. If there is none around whee find newspaper to be quite satisfying as a substitute. Mummy gave us some bubblewrap to play on for the first time today. It was scary at first but then whee really enjoyed popcorning on it. You might want to ask your hoomans to fetch more fun noisy toys for you to play with 😉

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy

  8. Bite it! BITE IT! I love my tissue paper and post about it all the time. (see pic tomorrow) I play the same way you do. When that wand starts to get away, I bite right through the tissue paper. HAH!

  9. Hey Savannah! I’m so happy you are lovin’ good old tissue like I do. Mom takes away the shredded stuff once a week and gives me new sheets…..gotta have a fresh supply – after all – at a certain point after we’ve rolled on it, pushed it around, pulled it all over the room, pushed, pulled, shredded and deaded it – it’s time for a few new sheets don’t you think? You’d better sneak “tissue paper” onto your Mom’s shopping list!

    Kitty hugs, Sam

  10. You got it fur sure, and we all love that tissue paper too!

  11. WOW!!! You have a future as a sports announcer, we think…do you know the Cat-O-lympics are coming up, you might want to enter the tissue paper kung fu CATegory! It was so fun to see you lost in the moment and playing your heart out.
    Next, you gotta get the shoe BOX. Another fabulous thing.

    • I thought the Catlympics were just something Otis talks about on his Blog of Otis!! Is there a real catlympics? And if yes…then I need to get right back to work on my half and full reclining Flying Squirrle I have modified from MamaCat’s High Flying Squirrel!!! Let me know when and where and what I need to do to get my competition number??? Ok???

  12. Excellent job! Along the same lines as tissue paper, is another favorite around my world – regular wrapping paper! Tears so nicely and makes wonderful noises, especially when the humans are trying to wrap stuff in it and only have a little bit left on the roll.

    • hmmmm…think I saw some in Dad’s closet…sort’a had these trees and stars and balls and stuff on it…hmmmm…wonder if that paper goes with that tree they had in the living room a while back???

  13. Sweet Purrfections on said:

    We haven’t tried tissue paper yet. It looks like lots of fun.

  14. PlumaBlanca the working cat here, I have never understood the attraction of tissue paper, Mom uses it in the shop to wrap breakables but I ignore it. Mom says it is because I yam deaf and can’t hear the noise it makes. However, it did look fun to try to get underneath it, I might try to play with it when I next see some.

    • oh PlumaBlanca…you can enjoy lots of stuff about tissue paper…do try hiding in it…make a tent out of it…you could sleep under it…what do you like to play with most???

      • Pluma here, I like to play fishing wif my Daddy, he flicks the fishing pole, I get the mousie on the end of it and fetch it to him, Mom says I yam the best fetching cat she ever had! I also fetch bugs, feathers, shoe laces, leaves and anything else I can catch. I yam gonna try tissue paper later today when I get to work, Mom has a whole pile of it!

        • …running to Mom…”Mom, Dad, Mom…Pluma get to have a fishy thingy that her Dad uses so she can chase and catch a mousey…can I have one??? Puuuuhhhhhllllleease??? Can I?? Can I??…” puuurrrrs

  15. orientallily001 on said:

    Oh yeah… tissue paper is the best. We don’t get it a lot but… every year at Christmas, Santa wraps our biff bags and whatnot in tissue. Nip infused tissue… WOW!
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life

  16. You were very brave and it looks as though you had a great time!

  17. Great assistant!!!!

  18. Ha!!!! Savannah you did a great job of “deading” that tissue paper! We know how much our buddy Sammy loves that tissue paper too!!!
    I never quite got into it but I bet my Mom is gonna try and make me use it now as well!

    Your poor Dad is gonna go broke buying you shoes keeping you in tissue paper! Hey he can get it at the Dollar Store much cheaper!

  19. Oh you’re braver than Austin, Savvy!! He doesn’t like rustly noises!! Well done !

    BTW I’ve given you a shout out on my blog today. Thank you for the award xox

    • why thank you so much Austin…and I’m so embarrassed, I don’t know your name, the typist?? I can’t tell from the email address…but thank you ever so much for visiting me as often as you do…and Austin and I kind’a look alike, except for the black/gray Huh?!

  20. Oh the kitties that live here love tissue paper!

    I have given you the Sunshine Award, you can pick it up here:

    Nubbin wiggles,

  21. Susan Mullen on said:

    Savannah, those are some really fine photos with this story! It made me feel like I was right there in the middle of things! Mom is very patient with you, to use tissue paper that way. Something else that’s fun is butcher paper. Some packages I’ve received lately have lightly folded butcher paper for packing material instead of styrofoam peanuts. You can unfold it but it still has some interesting hills and valleys. It sounds great to walk on, too, although very different from tissue paper. It lasts longer, too 🙂

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